Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Where To Get Salt For Bosch Dishwasher

Misinterpretations and differences between Jews and Christians

misreading = prejudice, stereotypes

Especially Jews must suffer many prejudices.
It is, they are small, thick, very rich, have a big nose ...

Here are 3 stories that make the prejudices clearly
(Source: Religion book, mark C):

In the "Chronicon" of John de Tilrode of 1290 it is: bought "In Paris, a Jew from a Christian maid a consecrated Hostie.Die ... he put on the table and stabbed her with a blood flowed out of her Messer.Darauf .
This lie by the host desecration made in many Variants of their round through Europa.Viele Jews were convicted of extortion under torture "confessions" to death.
second were
From 1348-1352 the plague in Europe.The Jews accused of poisoning the wells haben.Man they wove on wheels and tortured with burning logs to a "confession" to squeeze out of them.
third In Fulda
burned on Christmas Eve in 1235 a mill ab.Zwei children were killed, while parents in the church waren.Die Fulda Jews were accused of ritual murder: they had taken advantage of the opportunity, the blood of children for a mysterious medicine . win The applied Fulda killed 32 Jews, then they sent the bodies of Kindernach Haguenau, where the Emperor Frederick II.Hof held. The emperor of jurists and theologians to create a report, which clearly showed that faithful Jews of the handling of blood is strictly forbidden, and certainly the use of human blood. "Counter this accusation speaks his ugliness, his perversity in the face of the whole feeling, the the Jews, the Christians have placed. "

In Cologne, there was a Jewish order (of 1404)
(Source: Religion book, mark C):

Jews, young and old, live in Cologne and come as strangers to such clothing , who want to see them as Jews:
1.You are at their overcoats and skirts wear sleeves that are not more than half a yard ...
10.Oberhalb the earlobe, they may not bother leaving, unless it could be a head shave.
17.Bei city processions and processions through the Jewish quarter neighboring parishes to the Jews remain in the houses.
18.An Sundays and public holidays are not the Jews leave their pledges publicly in front of their doors are for sale or unmount.

s in this newspaper article written
"Jewish incest, the Jews are our misfortune ... "

differences between Christians and Jews

Judaism and Christianity differ already in the sacraments. is

A Christian aufgenommen.Ungefähr its baptism into the church with the 8.Lebensjahr must be a Christian to confession He must confess his sins and the priest shall, in God's name. Then there are the Catholics a month later the Communion ,dabei bekommt man zum ersten Mal das heilige Brot.Bei den evangelischen Christen werden die Kinder im Alter von 14 Jahren konfirmiert .
Darauf folgt die Firmung .Bei der Ehe werden zwei Menschen vereinigt und versprechen sich in guten wie in schlechten Zeiten zu helfen.
Bei der Priesterweihe wird der Diakon zum Priester geweiht.
Wenn ein Mitglied der Gemeinde sterben wird ,wird ihm bei der Krankensalbung die Sünden erlassen.Er bekommt die letzte Salbung.

Bei einem Juden findet die Beschneidung acht Tage nach seiner Geburt statt. So wird er aufgenommen.Das second sacrament is to Judaism for Jewish girls Bat Miza , for Jewish boys Bar Mitzvah . the boys are 13 years old and the girls 12th Through this sacrament, they are correct is the third Sacrament Juden.Das marriage. It is for the Jews very wichtig.Das fourth and final sacrament of the Judaism of the death . There is no ultimate anointing or the like.

The holidays are different:

Epiphany, Ash Wednesday-Lent-Easter-Thanksgiving-All Saints-St Martin Nicholas Advent-Christmas

Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) Yom Kippur (the High Holidays, Prayer) Sukkot ("Tabernacles" = Thanksgiving) Simchat Torah (ends the Sukkot week) -
Chanukah (Christmas) - Purim (celebration) -Pesach/Pascha (prop Spring Festival) -
Shavuot (FETs of the first fruits)

The differences in the weekly circular:

The Christians celebrate Sunday as the day when Jesus rose from the dead Sunday is the day of rest Christen.Man may not work.

The term Sabbath in German means "peace" or "completion". This Friday allowed the Jews drive a car, kindle no fire, no burdens in the phone, do not do not play computer and no food machen.Die whole family celebrates this day with peace and Freude.Sie the day before preparing food to eat together.

The tasks of life:

The duties of a Christian life can not be taken so hard. If one views not respected, what to do as a duty, then no one will be punished.

The tasks of life of the Jews taken anything stronger than the Christians, if not the times observed, what to do as a duty, but then no one killed, but perhaps a punishment.

(Excerpts from: ht tp: / / )

character of the Jewish faith: the "Star of David"

This entry is from

Andrea Rasshofer,

Oliver Mühlberger

and Hannah Plant


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