Jesus and his followers committed to the believing Jews?
a The Pharisees and some scribes who had come from Jerusalem, held on to Jesus.
2 They saw that some of his disciples their bread with impure, that is eating with unwashed hands.
3 The Pharisees namely, how to eat all the Jews only if they advance with a handful of water have washed hands, as required by the tradition of the elders.
4 Even if they come from the market, they do not eat without washing first. Many other traditional rules to keep them, as the washing of cups, jugs and kettles.
5 The Pharisees und die Schriftgelehrten fragten ihn also: Warum halten sich deine Jünger nicht an die Überlieferung der Alten, sondern essen ihr Brot mit unreinen Händen?
6 Er antwortete ihnen: Der Prophet Jesaja hatte Recht mit dem, was er über euch Heuchler sagte: Dieses Volk ehrt mich mit den Lippen, sein Herz aber ist weit weg von mir.
7 Es ist sinnlos, wie sie mich verehren; was sie lehren, sind Satzungen von Menschen.
8 Ihr gebt Gottes Gebot preis und haltet euch an die Überlieferung der Menschen.
9 And again Jesus said: Very cleverly uses her God's command out of power and keep to your own tradition.
10 Moses said, for example: Honor thy father and thy mother, and: who cursed father or mother shall be put to death.
11 But you taught: It is allowed that one says to his father or his mother: What do I owe you is Corban, that is, an offering.
12 This prevents him from her, something for doing father or mother.
13 So you set through your own tradition, God's word out of power. And it is similar in many cases.
14 Then he called the people back to him and said, Hear me all and understand what I say
15 Nothing that enters from outside a man can make him unclean, but what comes out of a man is what defiles a man.
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17 He left the crowd and went into a house. As his disciples asked him about the meaning of this mysterious word.
18 He said to them, does not understand too? Do you not one, that what goes in from the outside in the man, it can not defile 19 because it reaches so not into his heart, but into the stomach and is excreted. Thus he declared all foods clean.
20 He further said: What comes out of the man, that defiles him.
21 Because of within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, fornication, theft, murder,
22 adultery, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and foolishness.
23 All these evil things come from within and defile a man.
Source: Bible Server
Quelle: Judaism
The Star of David is the modern symbol of Judaism and the Jewish people
source : David Stern
Temple Mount
The hill in the southeast part of the Old City of Jerusalem (above the Kedron Valley) is the Temple Mount. Today a Dome of the Rock is located on the top of the artificial plateau (originally there was the temple of Solomon and the Temple of Herod).
The Temple Mount is one of the most disputed holy places in the world.
The Bible says that the children of lists built 3000 years ago where the first temple, which was to be the center of Jewish worship. During the conquest of Jerusalem decided to demolish the temple Nebuchadnezzar II in 586 BC. The Jews built their Babylonian captivity after the second temple and put him 516v.Chr. completed. The Romans destroyed but that the Jewish - Roman War in 70n.Chr .. The destruction of both temples are the central point in Jewish history. On the rest of the wall that should keep the temple plateau originally doing, today, many Jews left their prayers and often prayer note in the cracks of the walls of the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall.
Source: Temple Mount (changed)
Today's Temple Mount with the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
Source: Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
Tanja, Maxine M., Jimmy
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