Friday, October 13, 2006

Ol Dl Football Positions

The history of anti-Semitism

The history of anti-Semitism

The Bgriff anti-Semitism has been used since 1879 and a special nationalist and racist anti-Semitism means .
Since 2000 years, Jews, especially in Europe, always hostile, oppression, discrimination, persecution, pogroms and murder exposed.

reasons for the hatred of Jews: chon

S in the Middle Ages, the Jewish minority of diseases and ill health gemacht.Auch later, similar accusations were valid grounds for discrimination, pogroms, and in extreme cases, even for murder used.

1321 were interned in France all lepers as alleged poisoners and murdered. PhilippV . justified this mass murder of defenseless in a edict of 21 June. Since 11 June, the Jews were already as allies of the lepers, and were in southern cities and regions - including Tours, Chinon , the counties Anjou and Touraine - also persecuted and burned.

discrimination against the Jewish population after the WK.I:

Left: An example of the discrimination against Jews in the postwar period of WK.I (tie two Jews and steal from the Roman Justizia goddess of justice)

What many did not or would not acknowledge is that German Jews in WK.I to the defense of their country were involved and ran their lives.


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Other sources Eli and André's and Sascha's BRAIN


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