Jesus and his followers, committed to Judaism? Jesus and Judaism
The Christianity is from the Judaism emerged. An initially small group of Jews saw in Jesus expected Messiah or Christ (from the Greek word Christos tantamount to Messiah the anointed). These were the early Christians. Jesus himself came up with no own religion. He was a Jew. The Christian faith was only after his death. The "religion" of Jesus was not a religion, but he has preached the word of God. He has taught the love of God and equally the charity .
Source: Mk 7.1 to 23
1 The Pharisees and some scribes who had come from Jerusalem, but were absent in Jesus. 2 saw that some of his disciples their bread with impure, that is eating with unwashed hands. 3 The Pharisees namely, how to eat all the Jews only if they advance with a handful of water have washed hands, as required by the tradition of the elders. 4 Even if they come from the market, they do not eat without washing first. Many other traditional rules to keep them, as the washing of cups, jugs and kettles. 5 The Pharisees and the scribes asked him: why keep your disciples not to the tradition of the elders, but eat their bread with impure hands? 6 He said to them: The prophet Isaiah right with what he had said about you hypocrites: This people honors me with their lips, / but his heart is far away from me. 7 Es ist sinnlos, wie sie mich verehren; / was sie lehren, sind Satzungen von Menschen.(...) Damit erklärte Jesus alle Speisen für rein. 20 Weiter sagte er: Was aus dem Menschen herauskommt, das macht ihn unrein. 21 Denn von innen, aus dem Herzen der Menschen, kommen die bösen Gedanken, Unzucht, Diebstahl, Mord, 22 Ehebruch, Habgier, Bosheit, Hinterlist, Ausschweifung, Neid, Verleumdung, Hochmut und Unvernunft. 23 All dieses Böse kommt von innen und macht den Menschen unrein. The Temple Mount, as it is called today, is the holiest place for Jews in the holiest city in the world, Jerusalem.Bei the Christians of the Mountain Jews is also considered very holy, but he is not the holy cities of Jerusalem but the church, which is called by Emperor Constantine about 1600 years ago on the site, considered a grave Jesus built wurde.Die Church of Holy Sepulcher.
confessed Jesus was a Jew. He had Jewish parents and has not seen as a new religion but as a reformer, the founder of Judaism. He wanted to proclaim the new kingdom of God and the people on the new time to prepare. The Christians saw in the beginning not as a separate religion. The early Christians were a Jewish sect, a separate appendix. The first religious and non-Jews could be Christians.
Jesus had to die before the eyes of his followers, he was executed in what was then the most shameful death that had to die only criminals and insurgents. The execution of Jesus to have been agreed between the Romans and Jews. The Jewish sectarians should Jesus out of the way because it brought his teachings so much unrest in the community and the social rules deliberately ignored.
The faith witnessed
Many Jews have always beschäftigt.Ablehnung with Jesus, but also liked to speak in the words Shalom Ben Chorin "Jesus is for me the eternal brother, not only for human brother, but my Jewish brother: I feel his brotherly hand which touched me so I nachfolge.Es it is not the hand of the Messiah, they bore the wounds of hand. It is certainly not divine but a human hand, dug into their lines, the deepest grief is different ist.Das me, the Jews, the Christians, and yet it is the same hand, which we know we touched. "
Jesus Jude.Er had been circumcised and brought up like all the boys lived with him sie.Dennoch damals.Er began as something new, symbolically at his baptism in the Jordan expressed kommt.Einig separated by faith in the Creator God, Christians and Jews to the faith Jesus the Messiah and Son of God, the Saviour of the world
. (Source: Identity C 9)
The emergence of Christianity
Christianity goes back to Jesus, who was then a Jewish way Wandrérprediger war.Er lived in Palästina.Im age of 34 he was crucified, but lived by his followers Jesus' message fort.Innerhalb formed a few decades many Christian Gemeinden.Auch the Gospel (good news =) incurred after the crucifixion.
The history of Christianity is inseparable from the person of Jesus he verbunden.Als with Jewish Temple priests in Jerusalem docked, he was handed over to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate as a traveling preacher
He moved through the country, a group of followers gathered around him, including in the wider circle, women's and announced something that he `Kingdom of God` nannte.Er was practicing Jew, to found a new religion he had no followers in Sinn.Seine had the courage to perform in public, to tell of Jesus and to declare that in him God himself became man war.Für them he was Christ, the Anointed One, the King of the End Times, wait for all the Jews to this day, there was a Jewish Christen.Der sect leader Petrus.Paulus was persecuting the Christians only, then beat on her side and spread the Christian faith, even among non-Jews.
mail from Tanja Merk.Jimmy Lu and Maximilian Meixner
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