- song "Reception of the Sabbath" is sung at the beginning
- cantor wears a black robe.
- The cantor stands with his back to the community before the ark.
- All songs and prayers are in Hebrew or Aramaic.
- The Shema Israel prayed
" 4 Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord, and nobody else. 5 why love him with all my heart, with all their will and with force. 6 Keep the commandments in mind that I announce to you today! 7 it imprints your children and tell them yourselves again and again - at home or traveling, if it goes to sleep and when you awaken you. 8 it binds you to the constant memory of his arm and forehead. 9 they write to the Doorposts of your houses and on the gates of your cities. "
- needs to" Shabbat shalom "at the end of the Sabbath worship
- A service can always take place only if the minyan (ie the number of ten circumcised men) is present
. - From . the women's gallery is made to understand a service very poor and see Likewise, only the male part of worshipers the prayers and honorary positions are reserved
-. In Reform congregations, the women is becoming more widespread
. - The end of worship differs from municipality to municipality.
- The weekly readings are divided into eight parts. A church member is called to the bimah and needs to speak a blessing formula, then the section is read. After reading the section, he speaks again a blessing. The first person who is called to do this is a Kohen (descendant of Aaron the High Priest), the second person Levit (descendant of the third son of Leah and Jacob), the rest fall into the third category Israelites. In Israel, noted on the birth certificate if you belong to the Kohen, the Levite or the Israelites.
Source: http://www.staff.uni-marburg.de/ ~ terno / judaism / (edited)
The Passover celebrates the Jews, the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian captivity. The Hebrew name of the festival means "spared". The festival begins on the evening of the first spring full moon and lasts for 7 days, Orthodox Jews in the Diaspora in 8 days. Since the Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar, in which the Months starts are set after the new moon, Passover always falls on the same date.
Passover is one of the pilgrimage feasts of Judaism, the festivals that have been committed at the time of the two temples with a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and sacrifice in the temple.
The Exodus from Egypt needed to be accomplished so quickly that by the souring of the loaves and Gärenlassen was no time, according to tradition. Therefore, throughout the Passover festival no leavened bread shall be eaten.
In Mea Sharim dish is boiled and made kosher for Passover. "You shall not eat all manner of Acidifying, bread shall ye eat in all your Settlements, "it says in the Torah (Exodus 12).
As Acidifying each of the five grains wheat, rye, barley, oats, Spelt, who came for at least 18 minutes contact with water is, and every dish and every drink made from one of these grains is or contains. The exception is the prescribed manner made unleavened bread. may also nothing that was in any way with leaven in contact are at Passover for the preparation or presentation used by food, so already days before the actual Passover Hard bread, noodles and the like may be used or removed and a big house-cleaning in every religious or traditional Jewish House is present.
The Passover is celebrated in the family circle. On Seder night, the start of Passover, the table with food is covered by a symbolic meaning:
unleavened bread, parsley (ivy, celery and potatoes) and fruit of the earth, salt water, maror, a bitter herbs, lettuce or horseradish as a sign of the bitterness of slavery in Egypt, Charosset, a mixture of apple and Feigenstückchen, dates and walnuts or almonds, with a little wine kneaded together, sprinkled with cinnamon or ginger, as a symbol of the clay from which the Hebrews in the time had to make the bondage brick, a roasted lamb bone, reminiscent of the biblical rule of the sacrifice of a Passover lamb in the Temple of Jerusalem (Since the Temple no longer stands today is not a lamb eaten at the Passover), a boiled egg to the sign the frailty of human destiny, but also of human fertility and eventually to the sign of mourning for the destroyed Temple in Jerusalem, and a cup which is intended for the prophet Elijah.
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