Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Dbz Doujinshi Bulma/vegeta

Anne Frank

your family:

your family (Margot Frank, Otto Frank, Anne Frank and Edith Frank-Holländer)
in this picture is Anne 12 years old (1941)

The Frank family actually comes from Germany. Born Anne and her sister Margot were both in Frankfurt am Main. In this city and her father aufgewachsen.Annes and Margot's mother comes from the city of Aachen, near the Dutch border. When Edith Hollander in 1925 Otto Frank married, she moved to Frankfurt.

Anne in May 1942 (almost 13 years old)


Annelies Marie Frank, born Jewish
AM12. June 1929 makes in Frankfurt am Main, where they lived in their first years
But then a party to whom the Jews hate komt is chaired by Adolf Hitler. "
For the Jews in Germany is now too dangerous.
to happiness:
1933 by her father Otto Frank work in the Netherlands it will be sold
director of a company (Opekta) the gelling agent for making jam.
in February 1934 draws the whole family to amsterdam, Anne is now almost 5 and her sister Margot finds 8
In Amsterdamm Anne lot of friends and up to their 11th they age out there and live a normal.
on 10 May 1940 are also occupied the Netherlands from the German.
the fear of the Franks intensifies and here the Jews are discriminated against.
on 5 July 1942 replaced by her sister Margot a subpoena,
order to report to the authorities and to work for the Nazis
for their lives and the whole family to protect decide to immerse the parents the next day,
in the famous "back home"

in this house (back of Opekta) Anne Frank lived with her family more than two years but they were not alone, another Jewish family, the van peels and a Jewish dentist Fritz Pfeffer rendered them socially.

The move into the rear building meant for Anne Lebensumstellung.Von a full day to the next, she was torn from their usual daily activities, she had no time to say goodbye to their friends who had it from many belongings away. On 15
Julie meets the family van on a Peel with her son Peter, 16 November is the last of Fritz Pfeffer, nun sind sie zu acht.
Für Anne fängt eine schwierige Zeit an das einst beliebte, fröhlich, selbstbewusste Mädchen wird nun als undankbar, frech, aufmüpfig und egoistisch bezeichnet.
Vor allem mit Auguste van Peels und Fritz Pfeffer, mit dem sie ein Zimmer teilt hat sie viele Schwierigkeiten.
Am 12. Juni 1942 bekommt Anne zu ihrem 13. Geburtstag ein Tagebuch geschenkt, dem sie ihren Kummer, ihre Ängste und Sorgen anvertraut.
Was sie aber noch nicht weiß, dies wird ein zeitzeugnis das die ganze welt kennt.
Sie gibt dem tage buch den namen Kitty.
Tagebucheintrag 22.Jun9i 1942 [...] Liebe Kitty, ich werde, hoffe ich, dir alles anvertrauen können,wie ich es noch bei niemandem gekonnt have, and I hope you will support me to be a great!
thanks their supporters they get strong support from the outside information from the policy but they also always news of acquaintances who have been gabracht by the Nazis in the concentration camp.
can not help you for all the inhabitants of the back home very difficult.
will now always eat the worse the out of supplies and meals to save werden.Dies daily routines become routine.
Everything goes to the detriment of the atmosphere in the home. These are also states of anxiety. All residents must conduct themselves so that they remain neighbors and workers of the company invisible. Activities which may cause a lot of noise to be made only at certain times of day. The thunder of guns and bombs caused additional Angstzustände.Für Anne a bright child, this is of course twice as difficult.
so it goes until 4 August 1944, almost two years. The hiding place was betrayed
, nobody knows by whom.
mornings 10:00 to 10:30 clock were arrested after residents of the house and their aides from the "green police".

Hermann van Peel on 6 September in Auschwitz gas chambers.
Auguste van Peel was Auschwitz Bergen Belsen and Buchenwald to Theresienstadt and further dragged her date of death is unknown.
Peter van Peels died on 5 May 1945 just three days before the liberation of Mauthausen.
Fritz Pfeffer died at Neuengamme on 20 December 1944.
Margot and Anne were deposited in the Lüneburg Heath and both died of a typhoid epidemic.
The death date is between late February and early March
Otto Frank survived and returned as a single on 3 June 1945 in amsterdam one. He married Elfriede Geiringer
and devoted himself to the diary of Anne.

The cruelty of the humans was done in that time can not put into words.
millions of Jews were exterminated, gassed in the most brutal manner, to the physical low point taken.
The Diary of Anne Frank describes the life, set apart be discovered by the outside world and full of fear, the difficulties they were by his peers to werden.ein and finally captured after all testimony time!

(Sources: Anne Frank diary )

Where is God?

The SS seemed anxious, distressed as gewöhnlich.EinKind to hang in front of thousands of spectators, was no small thing. The camp boss leaving the verdict. All eyes were on the child. It was ashen, but almost calm, biting his lip. The shadow of the gallows ganz.Diesmal covered it refused the camp Kapo (prisoner of "dirty work" benefits received) to serve as executioners. Three SS men came to his Stelle.Die three convicted rose together on their chairs. three necks were at the same time introduced in the loops. "Long live freedom!" cried the two adults. The child was silent. "Where is God, where is he?" asked someone behind me. In a sign of the bearing heads tilted to the chairs. Absolute silence reigned throughout the camp. On the horizon, the sun was setting. "Hats off!" Roared the camp commander. His voice sounded hoarse. We cried. "Hats on!" Then began the march past. The two Erwachsenen lebten nicht mehr. Ihre geschwollenen Zungen hingen bläulich heraus. Aber der dritte Strick hing nicht reglos: der leichte Knabe lebte noch ...Mehr als eine halbe Stunde hing er so und kämpfte vor unseren Augen zwischen Leben und Sterben seinen Todeskampf. Und wir mußten ihm ins Gesicht sehen. Er lebte noch, als ich an ihm vorüberschritt, seine Zunge war rot, seine Augen noch nicht erloschen. Hinter mir hörte ich denselben Mann fragen: „wo ist Gott?" Und ich hörte eine Stimme in mir antworten: „Wo ist er? Dort – dort hängt er am Galgen ..." An diesem Abend schmeckte die Suppe nach Leichnam.
(Elie Wiesel, Die Nacht zu begraben ..., 1986, Seite 93/94)

von Julia Schäffler


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