Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Where To Get Salt For Bosch Dishwasher

Misinterpretations and differences between Jews and Christians

misreading = prejudice, stereotypes

Especially Jews must suffer many prejudices.
It is, they are small, thick, very rich, have a big nose ...

Here are 3 stories that make the prejudices clearly
(Source: Religion book, mark C):

In the "Chronicon" of John de Tilrode of 1290 it is: bought "In Paris, a Jew from a Christian maid a consecrated Hostie.Die ... he put on the table and stabbed her with a blood flowed out of her Messer.Darauf .
This lie by the host desecration made in many Variants of their round through Europa.Viele Jews were convicted of extortion under torture "confessions" to death.
second were
From 1348-1352 the plague in Europe.The Jews accused of poisoning the wells haben.Man they wove on wheels and tortured with burning logs to a "confession" to squeeze out of them.
third In Fulda
burned on Christmas Eve in 1235 a mill ab.Zwei children were killed, while parents in the church waren.Die Fulda Jews were accused of ritual murder: they had taken advantage of the opportunity, the blood of children for a mysterious medicine . win The applied Fulda killed 32 Jews, then they sent the bodies of Kindernach Haguenau, where the Emperor Frederick II.Hof held. The emperor of jurists and theologians to create a report, which clearly showed that faithful Jews of the handling of blood is strictly forbidden, and certainly the use of human blood. "Counter this accusation speaks his ugliness, his perversity in the face of the whole feeling, the the Jews, the Christians have placed. "

In Cologne, there was a Jewish order (of 1404)
(Source: Religion book, mark C):

Jews, young and old, live in Cologne and come as strangers to such clothing , who want to see them as Jews:
1.You are at their overcoats and skirts wear sleeves that are not more than half a yard ...
10.Oberhalb the earlobe, they may not bother leaving, unless it could be a head shave.
17.Bei city processions and processions through the Jewish quarter neighboring parishes to the Jews remain in the houses.
18.An Sundays and public holidays are not the Jews leave their pledges publicly in front of their doors are for sale or unmount.

s in this newspaper article written
"Jewish incest, the Jews are our misfortune ... "

differences between Christians and Jews

Judaism and Christianity differ already in the sacraments. is

A Christian aufgenommen.Ungefähr its baptism into the church with the 8.Lebensjahr must be a Christian to confession He must confess his sins and the priest shall, in God's name. Then there are the Catholics a month later the Communion ,dabei bekommt man zum ersten Mal das heilige Brot.Bei den evangelischen Christen werden die Kinder im Alter von 14 Jahren konfirmiert .
Darauf folgt die Firmung .Bei der Ehe werden zwei Menschen vereinigt und versprechen sich in guten wie in schlechten Zeiten zu helfen.
Bei der Priesterweihe wird der Diakon zum Priester geweiht.
Wenn ein Mitglied der Gemeinde sterben wird ,wird ihm bei der Krankensalbung die Sünden erlassen.Er bekommt die letzte Salbung.

Bei einem Juden findet die Beschneidung acht Tage nach seiner Geburt statt. So wird er aufgenommen.Das second sacrament is to Judaism for Jewish girls Bat Miza , for Jewish boys Bar Mitzvah . the boys are 13 years old and the girls 12th Through this sacrament, they are correct is the third Sacrament Juden.Das marriage. It is for the Jews very wichtig.Das fourth and final sacrament of the Judaism of the death . There is no ultimate anointing or the like.

The holidays are different:

Epiphany, Ash Wednesday-Lent-Easter-Thanksgiving-All Saints-St Martin Nicholas Advent-Christmas

Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) Yom Kippur (the High Holidays, Prayer) Sukkot ("Tabernacles" = Thanksgiving) Simchat Torah (ends the Sukkot week) -
Chanukah (Christmas) - Purim (celebration) -Pesach/Pascha (prop Spring Festival) -
Shavuot (FETs of the first fruits)

The differences in the weekly circular:

The Christians celebrate Sunday as the day when Jesus rose from the dead Sunday is the day of rest Christen.Man may not work.

The term Sabbath in German means "peace" or "completion". This Friday allowed the Jews drive a car, kindle no fire, no burdens in the phone, do not do not play computer and no food machen.Die whole family celebrates this day with peace and Freude.Sie the day before preparing food to eat together.

The tasks of life:

The duties of a Christian life can not be taken so hard. If one views not respected, what to do as a duty, then no one will be punished.

The tasks of life of the Jews taken anything stronger than the Christians, if not the times observed, what to do as a duty, but then no one killed, but perhaps a punishment.

(Excerpts from: ht tp: / / )

character of the Jewish faith: the "Star of David"

This entry is from

Andrea Rasshofer,

Oliver Mühlberger

and Hannah Plant

Dbz Doujinshi Bulma/vegeta

Anne Frank

your family:

your family (Margot Frank, Otto Frank, Anne Frank and Edith Frank-Holländer)
in this picture is Anne 12 years old (1941)

The Frank family actually comes from Germany. Born Anne and her sister Margot were both in Frankfurt am Main. In this city and her father aufgewachsen.Annes and Margot's mother comes from the city of Aachen, near the Dutch border. When Edith Hollander in 1925 Otto Frank married, she moved to Frankfurt.

Anne in May 1942 (almost 13 years old)


Annelies Marie Frank, born Jewish
AM12. June 1929 makes in Frankfurt am Main, where they lived in their first years
But then a party to whom the Jews hate komt is chaired by Adolf Hitler. "
For the Jews in Germany is now too dangerous.
to happiness:
1933 by her father Otto Frank work in the Netherlands it will be sold
director of a company (Opekta) the gelling agent for making jam.
in February 1934 draws the whole family to amsterdam, Anne is now almost 5 and her sister Margot finds 8
In Amsterdamm Anne lot of friends and up to their 11th they age out there and live a normal.
on 10 May 1940 are also occupied the Netherlands from the German.
the fear of the Franks intensifies and here the Jews are discriminated against.
on 5 July 1942 replaced by her sister Margot a subpoena,
order to report to the authorities and to work for the Nazis
for their lives and the whole family to protect decide to immerse the parents the next day,
in the famous "back home"

in this house (back of Opekta) Anne Frank lived with her family more than two years but they were not alone, another Jewish family, the van peels and a Jewish dentist Fritz Pfeffer rendered them socially.

The move into the rear building meant for Anne Lebensumstellung.Von a full day to the next, she was torn from their usual daily activities, she had no time to say goodbye to their friends who had it from many belongings away. On 15
Julie meets the family van on a Peel with her son Peter, 16 November is the last of Fritz Pfeffer, nun sind sie zu acht.
Für Anne fängt eine schwierige Zeit an das einst beliebte, fröhlich, selbstbewusste Mädchen wird nun als undankbar, frech, aufmüpfig und egoistisch bezeichnet.
Vor allem mit Auguste van Peels und Fritz Pfeffer, mit dem sie ein Zimmer teilt hat sie viele Schwierigkeiten.
Am 12. Juni 1942 bekommt Anne zu ihrem 13. Geburtstag ein Tagebuch geschenkt, dem sie ihren Kummer, ihre Ängste und Sorgen anvertraut.
Was sie aber noch nicht weiß, dies wird ein zeitzeugnis das die ganze welt kennt.
Sie gibt dem tage buch den namen Kitty.
Tagebucheintrag 22.Jun9i 1942 [...] Liebe Kitty, ich werde, hoffe ich, dir alles anvertrauen können,wie ich es noch bei niemandem gekonnt have, and I hope you will support me to be a great!
thanks their supporters they get strong support from the outside information from the policy but they also always news of acquaintances who have been gabracht by the Nazis in the concentration camp.
can not help you for all the inhabitants of the back home very difficult.
will now always eat the worse the out of supplies and meals to save werden.Dies daily routines become routine.
Everything goes to the detriment of the atmosphere in the home. These are also states of anxiety. All residents must conduct themselves so that they remain neighbors and workers of the company invisible. Activities which may cause a lot of noise to be made only at certain times of day. The thunder of guns and bombs caused additional Angstzustände.Für Anne a bright child, this is of course twice as difficult.
so it goes until 4 August 1944, almost two years. The hiding place was betrayed
, nobody knows by whom.
mornings 10:00 to 10:30 clock were arrested after residents of the house and their aides from the "green police".

Hermann van Peel on 6 September in Auschwitz gas chambers.
Auguste van Peel was Auschwitz Bergen Belsen and Buchenwald to Theresienstadt and further dragged her date of death is unknown.
Peter van Peels died on 5 May 1945 just three days before the liberation of Mauthausen.
Fritz Pfeffer died at Neuengamme on 20 December 1944.
Margot and Anne were deposited in the Lüneburg Heath and both died of a typhoid epidemic.
The death date is between late February and early March
Otto Frank survived and returned as a single on 3 June 1945 in amsterdam one. He married Elfriede Geiringer
and devoted himself to the diary of Anne.

The cruelty of the humans was done in that time can not put into words.
millions of Jews were exterminated, gassed in the most brutal manner, to the physical low point taken.
The Diary of Anne Frank describes the life, set apart be discovered by the outside world and full of fear, the difficulties they were by his peers to werden.ein and finally captured after all testimony time!

(Sources: Anne Frank diary )

Where is God?

The SS seemed anxious, distressed as gewöhnlich.EinKind to hang in front of thousands of spectators, was no small thing. The camp boss leaving the verdict. All eyes were on the child. It was ashen, but almost calm, biting his lip. The shadow of the gallows ganz.Diesmal covered it refused the camp Kapo (prisoner of "dirty work" benefits received) to serve as executioners. Three SS men came to his Stelle.Die three convicted rose together on their chairs. three necks were at the same time introduced in the loops. "Long live freedom!" cried the two adults. The child was silent. "Where is God, where is he?" asked someone behind me. In a sign of the bearing heads tilted to the chairs. Absolute silence reigned throughout the camp. On the horizon, the sun was setting. "Hats off!" Roared the camp commander. His voice sounded hoarse. We cried. "Hats on!" Then began the march past. The two Erwachsenen lebten nicht mehr. Ihre geschwollenen Zungen hingen bläulich heraus. Aber der dritte Strick hing nicht reglos: der leichte Knabe lebte noch ...Mehr als eine halbe Stunde hing er so und kämpfte vor unseren Augen zwischen Leben und Sterben seinen Todeskampf. Und wir mußten ihm ins Gesicht sehen. Er lebte noch, als ich an ihm vorüberschritt, seine Zunge war rot, seine Augen noch nicht erloschen. Hinter mir hörte ich denselben Mann fragen: „wo ist Gott?" Und ich hörte eine Stimme in mir antworten: „Wo ist er? Dort – dort hängt er am Galgen ..." An diesem Abend schmeckte die Suppe nach Leichnam.
(Elie Wiesel, Die Nacht zu begraben ..., 1986, Seite 93/94)

von Julia Schäffler

Friday, October 13, 2006

Tech Deck Collection Check List

The Sabbath worship

The Sabbath worship

- song "Reception of the Sabbath" is sung at the beginning

- cantor wears a black robe.

- The cantor stands with his back to the community before the ark.

- All songs and prayers are in Hebrew or Aramaic.

- The Shema Israel prayed

" 4 Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord, and nobody else. 5 why love him with all my heart, with all their will and with force. 6 Keep the commandments in mind that I announce to you today! 7 it imprints your children and tell them yourselves again and again - at home or traveling, if it goes to sleep and when you awaken you. 8 it binds you to the constant memory of his arm and forehead. 9 they write to the Doorposts of your houses and on the gates of your cities. "

- needs to" Shabbat shalom "at the end of the Sabbath worship

- A service can always take place only if the minyan (ie the number of ten circumcised men) is present

. - From . the women's gallery is made to understand a service very poor and see Likewise, only the male part of worshipers the prayers and honorary positions are reserved

-. In Reform congregations, the women is becoming more widespread

. - The end of worship differs from municipality to municipality.

- The weekly readings are divided into eight parts. A church member is called to the bimah and needs to speak a blessing formula, then the section is read. After reading the section, he speaks again a blessing. The first person who is called to do this is a Kohen (descendant of Aaron the High Priest), the second person Levit (descendant of the third son of Leah and Jacob), the rest fall into the third category Israelites. In Israel, noted on the birth certificate if you belong to the Kohen, the Levite or the Israelites.

Source: ~ terno / judaism / (edited)

Passover service

Passover (also Passover or Pascha) is one of the three main Jewish festivals.
The Passover celebrates the Jews, the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian captivity. The Hebrew name of the festival means "spared". The festival begins on the evening of the first spring full moon and lasts for 7 days, Orthodox Jews in the Diaspora in 8 days. Since the Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar, in which the Months starts are set after the new moon, Passover always falls on the same date.
Passover is one of the pilgrimage feasts of Judaism, the festivals that have been committed at the time of the two temples with a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and sacrifice in the temple.
The Exodus from Egypt needed to be accomplished so quickly that by the souring of the loaves and Gärenlassen was no time, according to tradition. Therefore, throughout the Passover festival no leavened bread shall be eaten.

In Mea Sharim dish is boiled and made kosher for Passover. "You shall not eat all manner of Acidifying, bread shall ye eat in all your Settlements, "it says in the Torah (Exodus 12).
As Acidifying each of the five grains wheat, rye, barley, oats, Spelt, who came for at least 18 minutes contact with water is, and every dish and every drink made from one of these grains is or contains. The exception is the prescribed manner made unleavened bread. may also nothing that was in any way with leaven in contact are at Passover for the preparation or presentation used by food, so already days before the actual Passover Hard bread, noodles and the like may be used or removed and a big house-cleaning in every religious or traditional Jewish House is present.

The Seder Plate

The Passover is celebrated in the family circle. On Seder night, the start of Passover, the table with food is covered by a symbolic meaning:
unleavened bread, parsley (ivy, celery and potatoes) and fruit of the earth, salt water, maror, a bitter herbs, lettuce or horseradish as a sign of the bitterness of slavery in Egypt, Charosset, a mixture of apple and Feigenstückchen, dates and walnuts or almonds, with a little wine kneaded together, sprinkled with cinnamon or ginger, as a symbol of the clay from which the Hebrews in the time had to make the bondage brick, a roasted lamb bone, reminiscent of the biblical rule of the sacrifice of a Passover lamb in the Temple of Jerusalem (Since the Temple no longer stands today is not a lamb eaten at the Passover), a boiled egg to the sign the frailty of human destiny, but also of human fertility and eventually to the sign of mourning for the destroyed Temple in Jerusalem, and a cup which is intended for the prophet Elijah.
The word Seder means "order." It is a long, complicated process - for this reason the mention "Seder". It will read texts on the Stay in Egypt and the Exodus. Each participant has the right to a Haggadah, a book in these texts and the rest of the instructions for the conduct of the Seder are. There are songs sung together with Aramaic text. At different points in time is drunk from the wine. A group dinner is part of the process. The Passover was the occasion for Jesus of Nazareth, to go to Jerusalem, where he was crucified.
Sabrina, Johanna, John

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sanctification of everyday life

Judaism - sanctification of everyday life
Judaism is Orthodox Judaism in the and other movements such as the Reformist Judaism, Conservative Judaism, Reconstructive Judaism

difference The Orthodox Judaism is orthodox, the other movement is allowed anymore. For example, women are allowed in Orthodox Judaism is not Rabinerinnen (Jewish scholars) are. All Orthodox Jews may only Koscha-restaurants (some food rule - for example, no pork accurate we explain below.) Visit.

Judaism is pretty tolerant ... The Orthodox Jews Anatolia bsp way around the other movements as well. They also accept other religions.


Source: www.

Chasidim: is a special group of Orthodox Jews who close themselves off even more from the outside world. Your children may not go as in public schools and kindergartens, they have a School and kindergarten in the go / go to the only Chasidim may.

what Judaism is all about and what it does?

The central issue of Judaism: How can we keep the covenant that God made with us?
Des because it is the object The former individual Judens keep this covenant.

The two most important books in the Jewish faith of learning to 12 million Jews the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and Talmud (legislation) The Jews all 5 books of the Torah in worship

An important point in the life of Judens Aich is their home, you entrust to him after the 2nd Weltrkrieg.
For the Jews is Israel is their holy land , the place where heaven and earth kiss.
For the Jews it is zuWissen very important that there are many places (in Israel) to which they can find refuge in case of emergency.

Map of Israel ~ Koreth / israel / wwall.jpg

image of Israel

is the most important day of the week among the Jews of Shabbat or Sabbath called, which translates rest means.
This day is on us Christians with Sunday comparable.
The Sabbath begins on Friday evening and ends on Saturday evening. During this time, the Jew, neither work nor money nor touch (!!!), fire ignite.

Another important point in the life dietary laws, because the food must be kosher are his.
That means they can only eat meat of cloven-hoofed ruminants or (a exception is the pig -! Should not be eaten )
There are also rules at fish and birds.

from non-Orthodox Jews, a public bathing facility for Jews was created. It's called mikvah.
haupstächlich It is visited by women - sometimes you can find also a man on one of these baths. For women, it is compulsory it to Baden, where she delivered a child or has her period. It is also cockpit when they had sexual intercourse . It's kind of the road cleaning.

As we Christians celebrate their festivals, the Jews (see detail in a blog [on the parties] of our classmates)
also The Jews have their own calendar.

Marcel Greiner, Kathi Eisenberger, Maximilian field Mayr

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Jesus and his followers committed to the believing Jews?

a The Pharisees and some scribes who had come from Jerusalem, held on to Jesus.
2 They saw that some of his disciples their bread with impure, that is eating with unwashed hands.
3 The Pharisees namely, how to eat all the Jews only if they advance with a handful of water have washed hands, as required by the tradition of the elders.
4 Even if they come from the market, they do not eat without washing first. Many other traditional rules to keep them, as the washing of cups, jugs and kettles.
5 The Pharisees und die Schriftgelehrten fragten ihn also: Warum halten sich deine Jünger nicht an die Überlieferung der Alten, sondern essen ihr Brot mit unreinen Händen?
6 Er antwortete ihnen: Der Prophet Jesaja hatte Recht mit dem, was er über euch Heuchler sagte: Dieses Volk ehrt mich mit den Lippen, sein Herz aber ist weit weg von mir.
7 Es ist sinnlos, wie sie mich verehren; was sie lehren, sind Satzungen von Menschen.
8 Ihr gebt Gottes Gebot preis und haltet euch an die Überlieferung der Menschen.
9 And again Jesus said: Very cleverly uses her God's command out of power and keep to your own tradition.
10 Moses said, for example: Honor thy father and thy mother, and: who cursed father or mother shall be put to death.
11 But you taught: It is allowed that one says to his father or his mother: What do I owe you is Corban, that is, an offering.
12 This prevents him from her, something for doing father or mother.
13 So you set through your own tradition, God's word out of power. And it is similar in many cases.
14 Then he called the people back to him and said, Hear me all and understand what I say
15 Nothing that enters from outside a man can make him unclean, but what comes out of a man is what defiles a man.
16 []
17 He left the crowd and went into a house. As his disciples asked him about the meaning of this mysterious word.
18 He said to them, does not understand too? Do you not one, that what goes in from the outside in the man, it can not defile 19 because it reaches so not into his heart, but into the stomach and is excreted. Thus he declared all foods clean.
20 He further said: What comes out of the man, that defiles him.
21 Because of within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, fornication, theft, murder,
22 adultery, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and foolishness.
23 All these evil things come from within and defile a man.
Source: Bible Server


In Judaism is the totality of religion, culture, tradition and history. The Jewish people are called auch oft als "Volk Israels". Auf Grund historischer Gründe wird das Judentum oft zu den Welreligionen gezählt. Das Judentum war nähmlich hinsichtlich seiner Verbreitung die erste Weltreligion.Außerdem berufen sich Christentum und Islam oft auf den Überlieferungen des Judentums.Die jüdische Religion basiert auf den religiösen Überlieferungen des jüdischen Volkes. Diese Überlieferungen teilen sich auf: die schriftliche Lehre, die in der Tora niedergelegt ist und die mündliche Lehre die in Mischna und Talmud unterteilt ist. Die Halachah, so nennt man das Jüdische Gesetz, beruht auch auf rabbinischen Gesetzgebungen und Verfügungen die im Laufe der Zeit gefällt wurden.

Quelle: Judaism

The Star of David is the modern symbol of Judaism and the Jewish people

source : David Stern

Temple Mount
The hill in the southeast part of the Old City of Jerusalem (above the Kedron Valley) is the Temple Mount. Today a Dome of the Rock is located on the top of the artificial plateau (originally there was the temple of Solomon and the Temple of Herod).
The Temple Mount is one of the most disputed holy places in the world.
The Bible says that the children of lists built 3000 years ago where the first temple, which was to be the center of Jewish worship. During the conquest of Jerusalem decided to demolish the temple Nebuchadnezzar II in 586 BC. The Jews built their Babylonian captivity after the second temple and put him 516v.Chr. completed. The Romans destroyed but that the Jewish - Roman War in 70n.Chr .. The destruction of both temples are the central point in Jewish history. On the rest of the wall that should keep the temple plateau originally doing, today, many Jews left their prayers and often prayer note in the cracks of the walls of the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall.
Source: Temple Mount (changed)

Today's Temple Mount with the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem

Source: Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem

Tanja, Maxine M., Jimmy

Mango Wood Table Too Soft

On the way to coexistence

The synagogue Augsburg

synagogue = Greek Assembly

Historical data:

was -From 1914 -1917 the synagogue on Halderstr. built 8 of the Jewish architect Fritz Landauer
- destruction in the Kristallnacht 1938
- Renovated of 1975-1985 , cost 4.5 million DM
was handed over to Jewish Community on the condition that the synagogue and the museum open to the public
currently- 300 members

- Floor plan: 27mx27mx27m
dome: 16m diameter sit
-On the roof of the left and right lion as symbol of the tribe of Judah
- Jewish Cultural Museum in the side wing
- seven- Chandelier on eastern gallery
(-> seven days of creation)

The synagogues in Munich

Old Synagogue

- was built from 1884 to 1887 Duke Max in the road from Albert Schmidt

- a total of 1800 seats e

New Synagogue

- On Jakobsplatz

- If on 09/11/2006 inaugurated ( Date Kristallnacht )

- foundation stone on 09/11/2003 ; construction 2004

- For the wall were used separately from Jerusalem stones delivered

-The glass dome symbolizes heaven


http:/ / # picture

Natalie T. and Anja W. (Andrew T.)

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The history of anti-Semitism

The history of anti-Semitism

The Bgriff anti-Semitism has been used since 1879 and a special nationalist and racist anti-Semitism means .
Since 2000 years, Jews, especially in Europe, always hostile, oppression, discrimination, persecution, pogroms and murder exposed.

reasons for the hatred of Jews: chon

S in the Middle Ages, the Jewish minority of diseases and ill health gemacht.Auch later, similar accusations were valid grounds for discrimination, pogroms, and in extreme cases, even for murder used.

1321 were interned in France all lepers as alleged poisoners and murdered. PhilippV . justified this mass murder of defenseless in a edict of 21 June. Since 11 June, the Jews were already as allies of the lepers, and were in southern cities and regions - including Tours, Chinon , the counties Anjou and Touraine - also persecuted and burned.

discrimination against the Jewish population after the WK.I:

Left: An example of the discrimination against Jews in the postwar period of WK.I (tie two Jews and steal from the Roman Justizia goddess of justice)

What many did not or would not acknowledge is that German Jews in WK.I to the defense of their country were involved and ran their lives.


htt p: / / ( Pic 2)

Other sources Eli and André's and Sascha's BRAIN

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Life in the "Country"

A Palestinian ski shear boy who throws in the Gaza Strip stones at an Israeli tank.

The Western Wall, a central sanctuary of jüddischen faith.
do In this section we include the ratio of Jews to their land which they regard as "God given" represent. For this purpose, first the history of Israel:
In the 13th Century BC hiking various semi-nomadic tribes of the Israelites a in the region of Palestine . Jerusalem is, according to biblical tradition about 1000 BC, the capital of David Kingdom Israel ; this disintegrates after the death of his heir apparent Solomon into two kingdoms. The northern kingdom of Israel goes under 722 BC in the battle against the Assyrians , the southern kingdom of Judah is 587 BC by Babylon conquered. The revolt of the Maccabees 165 BC brings Israel for about 100 years independence. 63 BC begins the time of the Roman supremacy. 70 AD to Jerusalem and the Temple completely destroyed. The country itself since " Palestine referred. to erase the memory of the Judean people, that he put down rebellion. Between 636 and 1099 AD follows the Arab rule. Since that time, Palestine largely populated by Arabs . The following are the Mamluk from 1291 to 1517 and then Ottoman rule 1517 - 1918 .

During the Ottoman rule of Palestine is only sparsely populated and economically stagnant. Hiking in the following decades, and why - many more people, both Jews and Arabs
in Palestine.
The first mass immigration (aliyah ) of Jews to Palestine is to 1882 . These immigrants were mainly Jews who had fled political and religious oppression in their countries of origin. until the second wave of immigration has played on the idea of Zionism a role. lived, according to the "Jewish Colonization Association" for the year 1903 in 1898 5200 Jews in Palestine patterns in agricultural settlements.

In the religious and historical consciousness of the Jews (and a weaker way in the consciousness of
Occidental ) was Israel always remained the "Holy Land" that the Bible and the history of the Jewish people is connected. The needs of the Arab population played little role in this tradition. Leading Zionists were aware of the problem, however, consciously and pursued in addition to international legitimacy, which is undoubtedly the way of thinking colonialism marked, was also an agreement with the Arabs on. Between 1904
and 1914 is the second aliyah. As early as 1909 based with Tel Aviv the first modern Jewish city. 76.7 percent of the population of Israel is the Jewish religion to . For Israel is the only state in the present world in which Jews, the majority of the inhabitants.
The majority of Israeli Arabs are Sunni Muslims (about 14.6 percent of the total population of the State of Israel).
Here is the Bible cut due to the Israelites their right to their land and establish their in this point embittered and unnachgebige Foreign Policy:
"perished when the sun and it was dark , lo, there was a arauchender stove, and a flame of fire passed between the pieces on the day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying,. thy seed will I give this land, from the cStrom Egypt unto the great river Euphrates : the Kenites, the Kenizzites that Kadmonites that Hittites, the Perizzites that Refait, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites, the Jebusites. "
Werner Kohn, Philip and Matthew Kormann Korherr

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Yahweh the covenant God of his people

YHWH (YHWH also, usually advertised Yahweh or Jehovah) is the proper name of God in the Hebrew Tanach , the Bible of Judaism. This name referred to believing Jews and Christians, the only God of the whole world, its Creator, Savior, Redeemer and Judge. YHWH is for them the gracious liberator and equitable federal partners of the chosen people of Israel, as it the first Bid imagine (Ex 20:2): I am YHWH, your God, who brought you out of bondage in Egypt have. Thou shalt have no other gods before me haben.Für Christian is YHWH as the God of Israel, also the exclusive Father of Jesus Christ, who wants to include all peoples through the death and resurrection of His Son in His eternal covenant (Phil 2:9-11).
Jewish star, actually DAVID STERN
The term "Jewish star" should not apply despite the associated Nazi terror as an insult, because that would be a late, undeserved Victory of the Nazis, but to a support obligation for Jews introduced to Jews as a minority by alienate other people and to follow
founders of religions: there
a real founder of a religion not really. All Jews are indirect descendants of the patriarch Abraham. The 12 sons of Jacob, the followers of Abraham shall be considered as progenitors of the entire Jewish people. So you have a common root. Moses also plays an important role in Judaism, as he took the Torah as.

exhortation to love and obedience to the Lord (From 6 5.Moses 1-9)

These are the laws and statutes and judgments which the LORD your God has commanded that you shall learn how to do it and in the land which ye go to possess it, so you all your life to the Lord your God with fear and keep all his rights and recommendations that I command you, you and your children and your grandchildren, that you may live long. Israel, you shall hear it and hold it, that you do, that you go well and you believe in big numbers to be like the Lord, the God of your fathers has promised you, in the land flowing with milk and honey.
Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the LORD. And you shall love the Lord your God with love, with all my heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

And these words which I command you today, you shall take to heart and thy children and shalt talk of them when you sit in your home or on you, when thou liest down or get up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be a memorial between thine eyes, and thou shalt write them on the doorposts of your house and on the gates.

Commandments, has made the God of the Jews:
God and His commandments and conditions
religion deliver
Yahweh regarded as one God
-teach children the character of Judaism and they themselves carry

Arrival at Sinai. Equipping the people. Release of the Lord (2.Moses 19, 1-6)
On the first day of the third month after the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt, to the day, they came to the desert of Sinai. Because they came out of Rephidim and came into the Sinai desert and camped in the wilderness against the mountains. And Moses went up to God. And the Lord called to him from the mountain and said, Thus shalt thou say unto the house of Jacob, and tell the Israelites: You have seen what I did with the Egyptians and how I agetragen you on eagles' wings and brought you to me. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then ye shall be my treasured possession above all people: for all the earth is mine. And you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words you say to the Israelites.
What is the God of the Jews?
-God is both good (Israelites saved), but can also be cruel (Egyptians punished)
-God wants the Israelites to obey him
Glaubensgrundlagen:Im Judentum gibt es umfassende Lehren und Weisheiten für Lebensbereiche und Lebensanschauungen. Es sind viele Bücher darüber geschrieben worden; aber es gibt eigentlich nur 13 Lehren, die verbindlich sind, Grundlehren:1. Zu glauben und zu wissen: Es gibt ein vollkommenes Sein, den Schöpfer, den Herrn der Welt. Er ist Ursprung aller Existenz. Alles, was existiert, ist von Ihm abhängig; er hingegen ist vollkommen unabhängig.2. Gott ist eine absolute und vollständige Einheit, eins und einzigartig.3. Gott ist nicht materiell und nicht körperlich. Er ist den Naturgesetzen nicht unterworfen und kann mit menschlichen Sinnen nicht wahrgenommen werden.4. Er war vor allem Anderen. Er ist und wird in Ewigkeit ".5. He may only be served. His commandments and His will must be respected. No other existences (eg angels, and other natural forces) may be worshiped, for they are created by him worden.6. God reveals his wishes through her chosen people in different ways and at different Zwecken.7. Moses prophecy was the highest form of prophecy. He was surpassed by no other prophets and he was not gleich.8. The entire Torah, which was given by Moses to Israel, was given to Moses by God. It is the true Thora.9. This Torah is eternal. It will never change and never replaced by another law werden.10. God's will is absolute and all encompassing. No existence is to him hidden, because he sees past, present and future. All causes and consequences he sees voraus.11. God controls and monitors the world that rewards people for his good deeds and punished him for his bad deeds. The main reward is in the world to come ausgezahlt.12. At the end of time God will send our Messiah from the house of David. He will be a perfect king in a perfect world, and the world will be saved through him werden.13. God will resurrect the dead. The mean absolute goodness and justice, which wipes away all tears. Everything was destroyed and destroyed, it will build again, this resurrection is the place of death treten.Was is the Bible for Christianity, Judaism is the Torah. It consists of the five books of Moses. -> SchriftreligionDas Hebrew word "Torah" means "instruction, how to live." For Jews, the Torah is the root of everything, it contains the words of God. It is therefore important to study them and to know. Every word in it requires attention in order to understand the words of God. Jews are obligated to learn Torah regularly. There is a written and oral Torah, both of Moses were given together. Scholars of all ages penetrated deeper into studying the Torah, and interpreted them. All their words are called "oral Torah." There is 613 commandments in the Torah, 248 positive commandments and 365 negative commandments, which bans. Your job is to keep the people from evil and to lead him to the right path. However, a large proportion of these bids are not met by any Jews because many bids belong to the temple and the priests there. There is also the bids are only mandatory when a certain situation arises where they can be used, for example in a divorce. The Torah teaches Jews that the bids were made for their own good and that through them a man can hope to reach perfection and fulfill his life's work. The man is living in a divine standard of goodness other erreichen.Eine important basis of the Talmud. The word comes from the Hebrew and means something like education or teaching. The Talmud is the most Jewish of laws. One might think that this is actually the Torah, but the Torah lists only the rules and says very little about the observance and application in different circumstances, and that is what the Talmud is there. It consists of the Mishna and the Gemara.Für all Jewish learning is a traditional ingredient. The Jewish culture is probably the only one who can claim to have a lifelong learning motivation. Already in kindergarten, children learn to read Hebrew.
Even in Judaism, there are three faiths. These were created by the unity of the Jewish people has been called into question by the opening of ghettos or by the idea of equality of all people. As a result, many Jews have adapted to the environment and are more modern. Traditionally, observant Jews have become the minority.
distribution areas:
Today there are approximately 13.9 million Jews around the world, it is difficult to determine the exact number because they were scattered throughout history around the world. This is called in Judaism whatsoever of living in the Diaspora (-> gr. Zerstreuung).- ca. 6,1 Millionen in den USA und Kanada- ca. 4,4 Millionen in Israel- ca. 2,5 Millionen in Europa- ca. 0,5 Millionen in Südamerika- ca. 0,2 Millionen in AfrikaDer Rest ist weit verstreut über die ganze Welt.
Matthias Baierl,Alexander Brylka,Manuel Demmelmair

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Jesus and his followers, committed to Judaism?

Jesus and Judaism

The Christianity is from the Judaism emerged. An initially small group of Jews saw in Jesus expected Messiah or Christ (from the Greek word Christos tantamount to Messiah the anointed). These were the early Christians. Jesus himself came up with no own religion. He was a Jew. The Christian faith was only after his death. The "religion" of Jesus was not a religion, but he has preached the word of God. He has taught the love of God and equally the charity .

Mk 7.1 to 23
1 The Pharisees and some scribes who had come from Jerusalem, but were absent in Jesus.
2 saw that some of his disciples their bread with impure, that is eating with unwashed hands.
3 The Pharisees namely, how to eat all the Jews only if they advance with a handful of water have washed hands, as required by the tradition of the elders.
4 Even if they come from the market, they do not eat without washing first. Many other traditional rules to keep them, as the washing of cups, jugs and kettles.
5 The Pharisees and the scribes asked him: why keep your disciples not to the tradition of the elders, but eat their bread with impure hands?
6 He said to them: The prophet Isaiah right with what he had said about you hypocrites: This people honors me with their lips, / but his heart is far away from me.
7 Es ist sinnlos, wie sie mich verehren; / was sie lehren, sind Satzungen von Menschen.(...)
Damit erklärte Jesus alle Speisen für rein.
20 Weiter sagte er: Was aus dem Menschen herauskommt, das macht ihn unrein.
21 Denn von innen, aus dem Herzen der Menschen, kommen die bösen Gedanken, Unzucht, Diebstahl, Mord,
22 Ehebruch, Habgier, Bosheit, Hinterlist, Ausschweifung, Neid, Verleumdung, Hochmut und Unvernunft.
23 All dieses Böse kommt von innen und macht den Menschen unrein.

The Temple Mount, as it is called today, is the holiest place for Jews in the holiest city in the world, Jerusalem.Bei the Christians of the Mountain Jews is also considered very holy, but he is not the holy cities of Jerusalem but the church, which is called by Emperor Constantine about 1600 years ago on the site, considered a grave Jesus built wurde.Die Church of Holy Sepulcher.

confessed Jesus was a Jew. He had Jewish parents and has not seen as a new religion but as a reformer, the founder of Judaism. He wanted to proclaim the new kingdom of God and the people on the new time to prepare. The Christians saw in the beginning not as a separate religion. The early Christians were a Jewish sect, a separate appendix. The first religious and non-Jews could be Christians.
Jesus had to die before the eyes of his followers, he was executed in what was then the most shameful death that had to die only criminals and insurgents. The execution of Jesus to have been agreed between the Romans and Jews. The Jewish sectarians should Jesus out of the way because it brought his teachings so much unrest in the community and the social rules deliberately ignored.

The faith witnessed
Many Jews have always beschäftigt.Ablehnung with Jesus, but also liked to speak in the words Shalom Ben Chorin "Jesus is for me the eternal brother, not only for human brother, but my Jewish brother: I feel his brotherly hand which touched me so I nachfolge.Es it is not the hand of the Messiah, they bore the wounds of hand. It is certainly not divine but a human hand, dug into their lines, the deepest grief is different ist.Das me, the Jews, the Christians, and yet it is the same hand, which we know we touched. "
Jesus Jude.Er had been circumcised and brought up like all the boys lived with him sie.Dennoch damals.Er began as something new, symbolically at his baptism in the Jordan expressed kommt.Einig separated by faith in the Creator God, Christians and Jews to the faith Jesus the Messiah and Son of God, the Saviour of the world
. (Source: Identity C 9)
The emergence of Christianity
Christianity goes back to Jesus, who was then a Jewish way Wandrérprediger war.Er lived in Palästina.Im age of 34 he was crucified, but lived by his followers Jesus' message fort.Innerhalb formed a few decades many Christian Gemeinden.Auch the Gospel (good news =) incurred after the crucifixion.
The history of Christianity is inseparable from the person of Jesus he verbunden.Als with Jewish Temple priests in Jerusalem docked, he was handed over to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate as a traveling preacher
He moved through the country, a group of followers gathered around him, including in the wider circle, women's and announced something that he `Kingdom of God` nannte.Er was practicing Jew, to found a new religion he had no followers in Sinn.Seine had the courage to perform in public, to tell of Jesus and to declare that in him God himself became man war.Für them he was Christ, the Anointed One, the King of the End Times, wait for all the Jews to this day, there was a Jewish Christen.Der sect leader Petrus.Paulus was persecuting the Christians only, then beat on her side and spread the Christian faith, even among non-Jews.
mail from Tanja Merk.Jimmy Lu and Maximilian Meixner