. Regulate Heller and his colleagues have now investigated the influence of tides, which act between low-mass stars and their potential Earth-like companions. Based on this knowledge, scientists are now calling for a modification to the traditional concept and the definition of the habitable zone. www.grenzwissenschaft-aktuell.de
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responsible for influencing are mainly three effects: "Erstens bewirken Gezeiten eine Aufrichtung der planetaren Rotationsachsen gegen die Umlaufbahn auf 90 Grad und das bereits innerhalb weniger Millionen Jahre. Auf der Erde beträgt dieser Winkel dank des Bahndrehimpulses des Erdmonds konstante 23,5 Grad und verursacht unsere Jahreszeiten. Auf erdähnlichen Planeten in der habitablen Zone um massearme Sterne gäbe es demnach keine Jahreszeiten. Das wiederum verursacht enorme Temperaturunterschiede zwischen den Polen und dem Äquator. Sie bewirken extreme Winde und langfristig ein Ausfrieren der Atmosphäre an den Polen und eine Evaporation am Äquator. Als zweiter Effekt tritt, ähnlich wie auf dem Jupitermond Io, welcher von globalem Vulkanismus gekennzeichnet ist, zwischen massearmen Sternen und terrestrischen Planets in the habitable zone, a strong tidal heating on. You can make the planet uninhabitable comprehensive. In addition, tides cause thirdly, that the rotation period of exoplanets in the habitable zone of low-mass star is approaching the long-term orbital period. That is, within a circulation path then there is only a natural rotation of the planet. In this state, only one half of the planet radiated from the star and heat, while the other freezes in eternal darkness. "
The habitable zone, the AIP press release to low-mass star is not at least comfortable, if possible abel not even habitable. So far, low mass stars were regarded as promising Candidates for habitable, planetary companion. "The promising Earth-like planets, which are now found around low-mass stars, among which are already the first candidates in the traditional habitable zone, so they must now be analyzed for tides" , the researchers said. In light of the new factors to Heller, the astronomers have also recently been under investigation as a first habitable exoplanets candidates acclaimed "Gliese 581g" (see links ..., we reported below) again, at least in theory. The result: Place on the planet no more seasons and it is likely that, assuming a circular orbit, the length of a Day on the planet would be identical to the length of a year. The planet thus possessed no liquid surface water and would therefore, at least by Earth standards most likely uninhabitable. "Generally, it looks for life on Earth-like planets in the traditional habitable zone badly from around low-mass stars, if we take into account tides. In search of a second Earth, it seems, we also need to look for issued a second sun ", so Heller.
The habitable zone, the AIP press release to low-mass star is not at least comfortable, if possible abel not even habitable. So far, low mass stars were regarded as promising Candidates for habitable, planetary companion. "The promising Earth-like planets, which are now found around low-mass stars, among which are already the first candidates in the traditional habitable zone, so they must now be analyzed for tides" , the researchers said. In light of the new factors to Heller, the astronomers have also recently been under investigation as a first habitable exoplanets candidates acclaimed "Gliese 581g" (see links ..., we reported below) again, at least in theory. The result: Place on the planet no more seasons and it is likely that, assuming a circular orbit, the length of a Day on the planet would be identical to the length of a year. The planet thus possessed no liquid surface water and would therefore, at least by Earth standards most likely uninhabitable. "Generally, it looks for life on Earth-like planets in the traditional habitable zone badly from around low-mass stars, if we take into account tides. In search of a second Earth, it seems, we also need to look for issued a second sun ", so Heller.
had already previously declared U.S. astronomer that the most common type of stars known as red dwarfs, which because of their relatively advanced age of usually more than 10 billion years ago as a promising candidate for life on these planets orbiting dwarf stars were threatening a potential life on their planet even. The reason for this extremely prevalent and violent eruptions of these distant suns that radiation could be damaging life (... we reported
astronomers find exoplanets in the near-Earth, there could be life
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