astronomers observe planet formation live
Artist's impression of the movement object (front) around the star T Cha "is surrounded by a split-dust disk
Astronomen-Team die kurzlebige Materienscheibe um einen jungen Stern untersucht, in der gerade ein Planetensystem entsteht. Erstmals konnte dabei nun ein Begleiter nachgewiesen werden, der für eine große Lücke in der Scheibe verantwortlich sein dürfte. Thursday, February 24, 2011
American Women's Viganias
Wie die ESO-Astronomen berichten, müssen weitere Beobachtungen nun zeigen, ob es sich bei dem Begleiter um einen Planeten oder um einen Braunen Zwerg handelt.
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Eines dieser Objekte ist der lichtschwache, sonnenähnliche Stern "T Chamaeleontis" (abgekürzt "T Cha"), im Sternbild Chamaeleon am Südhimmel, 330 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt. "T Cha" befindet sich mit gerade seinen sieben Millionen Jahren gerade erst am Beginning of his life (for comparison, the sun is about 4.7 billion years old). While known in more developed slices already in the nascent planets, these could be in such "protoplanetary disks" around young stars have not yet observed. "Previous studies show that could be 'T Cha' a worthwhile goal to investigate if you will, how planetary systems arise" , noted Johan Olofsson at the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg. He is one of the first authors of two papers in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, describing the new results. "However, T Cha relatively far away from us. Therefore, we need powerful tools such as the 'Very Large Telescope Interferometer' (VLTI), to be able to resolve to prove the details and what is happening in the dust disk in front of him. " These observations were the astronomers, that a formed part of the disk material, a thin dust ring at a distance of only 20 million kilometers from the star has. Behind this inner part of the disk, they discovered an area that is free of dust. The outer part of the disk starts at a distance of about 1, 1 billion kilometers from the star.
Virtual flight around the distant star "T Chamaeleontis" and player of the dust disks
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Click the image to center to start the video
Nuria Huelamo from the English "Centro de Astrobiología" and the "European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), the first author of the second publication, reports on how it went: " The gap in the dust disk around 'T Cha' was for us a clear indication . Obviously, we had first observed directly, as a companion of the star digs in the protoplanetary disk a trail. "
After evaluation the data the astronomers found indeed a clear signal of an object in the gap of the disk, near the outer edge of the disk at a distance of about a billion miles from the star - equivalent to just over the distance of Jupiter from the sun.
This is the first direct detection of an object is much smaller than a star and is in a gap in the protoplanetary disk of dust around a young star. The astronomers also found evidence that may be of a normal companion star, but it is either a brown dwarf surrounded by dust, or a planet that is just has not formed. Especially the latter scenario would be of particular interest to astronomers.
Further observations are now to help determine whether it is actually a planet is formed and also clarify the question of where the dust in the inner region of the disk is.
Just days before the announcement of the observation of ESO astronomers have colleagues from the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), similar to the observations also only a few million year young star "LKCA 15" and the star " AB Aur described (... we reported )
Astronomen gelingt erstmals Blick auf die Entstehung von Planetensystemen
20. Februar 2011
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