Archives: transaxial PET slice of a human brain However, medically assessed, is still unclear. GP request further investigations.
As the researchers to Nora D. Volkow of the National Institutes of Health "in the" Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported that brain scans show after a 50-minute duration call an increased glucose metabolism in those the antenna of the phone nearest the brain.
"The world's dramatic increase in the use of mobile phones has many concerns about possible harmful effects of electromagnetic fields modulated at high frequency (radio frequency-modulated electromagnetic fields, RF-EMFs can arise) "
, explain the authors of the study. " Of particular concern are potential carcinogenic effects as a result of RF-EMF emissions from mobile phones. The results of different epidemiological studies on possible links between the use of mobile phones and increase in brain have yet been contradictory and the question remains open. " This very fact nevertheless has the need for studies on the effects of RF EMFs through the use of mobile phones on brain function of people are.
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this, the researchers placed at random in 47 subjects for 50 minutes active mobile phones on either the right or left side of the head and monitored the brain activity after injection of fluorodeoxyglucose (with the glucose metabolism in the brain can be measured) using the imaging technique of positron emission tomography (PET).
Although the result showed in the overall picture of brain activity, no statistically significant changes but one of around seven per cent and thus significantly increased glucose metabolism was determined in those directly exposed to the mobile regions of the brain, such as on the opposite side of the head and therefore not used during the call could not be detected. Actually voted, this increase also in line with the previously calculated expected values and thus under the influence of electromagnetic fields.
Further studies are now needed to investigate the established effects on possible long-term damage. In the editorial of the current JAMA issue comment on the other hand, the physicians, Dr. Henry Lai of the University of Washington "and Dr. Lennart Hardell of the" University Hospital in Orebro Sweden specifically on the results of the study: "Although possible biological consequences of increased glucose metabolism through intensive use of mobile phones remains unknown and further investigation is necessary, there is the urgent question of whether an intensive use of mobile phones with stronger results than those applied in the study, radiation energy and to a chronically increased glucose metabolism. Possible intensive and chronic health effects must be verified and it is a lot of work in order to understand these implications. "
same time give the physicians noted that the detection of increased glucose metabolism in the brain, possibly with changes in brain functions such as those neurochemical of neurotransmitters and activities, through the used Radio frequencies might result from: "If this were the case, could have the effect also affects other organs and lead to undesirable physiological reactions. Further studies on biomarkers for functional brain changes caused by the exposure to RF radiation are absolutely appropriate here. " WEITERE MELDUNGEN ZUM THEMA Forscher befürchten Bewusstseinsveränderung durch neue Technologien
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