Thursday, December 31, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Baby Phelgm


This picture is still wonderful!

After this year, absent the Christmas newsletter, and also the friendly greeting at the end of saving me, but here I Jahresrueckblick times a personal or reflexive well-meaning wishes for 2010.

a post I must still be out to get me to vent. Probably the only reason why I blog and maybe it's a sign of maturity that the entries are less.

In September, I argued that the world is getting fucked and he earned the justified criticism of a good friend. Yes, our parents and grandparents have already given such a stupid empty catch phrases from him.

I do not know if it's true now or not. However, I believe that her condition had worsened. Spiegel and Focus on talk of a wasted decade of useless change, questionable technology and a loss Menschlichkeit und/oder Gemeinsinn. So habe ich das gelesen.

Ja, ich fuehle das auch und irgendwie bin ich frustriert. Wer bin ich? Wer sind wir? Was ist mir wichtig? Was ist uns wichtig?

Mehr als 1 Millionen Aidswaisen in diesem Land. Armut an allen Ecken. Mehr als 1 Milliarde Menschen hungern weltweit. Wir jammern, wenn unsere Kassenbeitraege um 1% steigen.

China ist der boese Klimafeind und schon in meiner Grundschulzeit haben wir von saurem Regen oder dem Ozonloch geredet. Wir versauen gemeinsam und schuld ist spaeter der Andere.

Ich habe von nichts gewusst! Irgendwie habe ich das schon mal von anderen Generationen gehoert.

Wir alle haben Teil an einem kranken System. Wir alle sind schuld.

I'm too lazy to move around radically. I have excuses. I do not like. I hope that in 2010 everything changed and I hope very much that it's not too painful.

It's going to hurt. Do we want that?

So, let's pop the cork. Drinks you courage. What we do not create will not do another for us.


Monday, November 23, 2009


(live) Blogging is so hard ...

the moment so much happening, and nothing fits on to this site. Life is too hard.

We converted to finally have more space for our guests. In Africa, such a conversion is affordable.

Unfortunately, we are so stupid and can not run the construction workers, but will travel them in the morning and evening to work and home. This will save 90 minutes walk. Too bad only that I see her here Blechhuetten where they live with up to 5 family members. Too bad only that our new garage space is pure luxury, however.

Too bad also that I am the rubble once the official Muellkippe drive it because I think for clean. Too bad, because I see there, to grab the crowds of Muellsammlern, the fight for survival, the climb in Muellautos the valuable plastic bottle or shortly before the Planierwalze to chase for a seemingly valuable asset.

Too bad it was given a construction worker in a baby while we build and only a day off does, and then on to our to build garage. Too bad we have a company that is very fair and just still paid only 10 € a day. Too bad I do not have enough money to make out of it at 10 € per hour.

Too bad that they will find us also great because we drive around them, that go into their huts, of interest to us for the new-born life, give them lunch and pack a little extra money on their pittance.

Too bad that with all that we do the bland taste, is that it is never enough.

Too bad that there will always be the poor, as Jesus has already said and that I as part of the system simply exploiting. How do I get out of there? I can not endure the least!

Too bad that the sound here, maybe even compassionate and you think that we make a difference. Too bad that the board simply realistically hope. We fail like everyone else ...

The world is bad and that pisses me off incredibly! The hope dies last?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Vince Lombardi Crohn's

Knapp is over and next to it ...

This is for me and for many a tip remember ...

4.27,48 meant, unfortunately, about 2 minutes about my own previous best time. A long time I thought that I'm on the road really fast, but the last 10 miles were hard and uphill. However, I am satisfied

and it was a really cool Experience. have at this point, a big thank you to all the mitgetippt sent to some people, an encouraging e-mail and have even, or especially to my family that I was lacking some of many hours.

to run in Soweto was different: there were much less white at the start. The last seconds before the start was sung. Countless spectators were on the streets and I have hundreds of ready to clap Kinderhaenden. Regularly has to me, "Go muhlungu, go" behind called - "white man run, run!" I have made every effort ;-)

way: The winner is the tip 4.30,01. Congratulations.

See you then


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

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I run the Soweto Marathon. At 1.11. it will be ready. Frankly, it fulfilled a little dream for me. When I started with running, I wanted to make sure times. Once run through this township. This is it.

And it's your chance to be a small part of it. You can type, with what time I arrive at the finish. And if you are the next real of all typists to turn my arrival, I will send you the shirt that I get for my finish.

how it works:

you donate € 10 to my employer to the account number that you find here . Bitte wähle das Konto für Afrika aus und gib "Projektkonto 7010 - Dichristin" als Verwendungszweck an. (von dem Konto werden unsere Projektkosten hier in Südafrika teilweise gedeckt)

Du schickst mir per E-Mail die Zeit, von der du denkst, dass ich 42,2 km beenden kann.

Ich werde nicht kontrollieren, ob du wirklich gespendet hast. Das ist Vertrauenssache. Wenn du 20 Euro spendest kannst du 2 Zeiten tippen. Bei 100 Euro 10 Zeiten usw.

Am 31.10. werde ich an alle Teilnehmer eine anonyme Liste schicken, welche Zeiten getippt wurden. Du musst dir also deine Zeit merken, damit du sie in der Liste wieder findest. Wenn gleiche Zeiten getippt werden, dann entscheidet der Tag und die Zeit, When I received the tip.

The best tip is replaced by the T-shirt and a pdf. Version of my new book, which probably will never be published ;-), in an e-mail. The second and third best tip erin receives only the pdf. Version of the book.

If the race is canceled, I hurt myself or get sick or can not finish the race run, there will be no donation be refunded! That is your risk. You donate money! It created for you have any rights!

A few tips on Tap:

my first marathon in 2008, I ran 4.25 hours

my second Marathon 2009 in 4:40 hours

The contour map at the first marathon was easy.

The Sowetomarathon is apparently very stressful because it is hot and no shade in Soweto / trees are.

I now weigh 3 pounds more than my first marathon.

You probably will help with your estimates by as little as me. Still, there have fun!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

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change of direction

Fieschertal in Switzerland has been repeatedly threatened by avalanches and torrents of Aletzschgletschers. Therefore, a group of inhabitants of the valley in 1678 traveled to the Pope in Rome. Since then, the retreat of the glacier was prayed.

change the global climate change, times. Again, do the residents of the Fiescher to Rome. On 06/31/2010 the following purposes: amendment of the vow of 1678th From now on, for the preservation of the glacier will be praying that retreated further and further added. Pope Benedict XVI will probably have to oppose anything, but even the mountains he loves very much.

doubtful whether this is correct, it is, well done God! ,.. O)

Friday, August 28, 2009

How Much Do Automatic Car Starters Cost For Acura


Much of what we think of us so give me for nonsense. Irrelevant, boring, irrelevant. Or even wrong, restrictive, dangerous, manipulative.

Maybe we should stop preaching. Is hardly worth the trouble. And I say, although I am a passionate preacher ...

Yesterday I had a 2-minute call in which a single set has everything on its head. A phrase that could describe my life concept, which is my wishful thinking, challenging and sometimes confirmed and everything on its head.

A single sentence, which perhaps is more important to me than any sermon I've ever heard or will hear. A sentence that somehow has an incredible amount of weight.

We should talk more!


way: "I want to show grace in the many small decision I take everyday ..."

Think about when your child sucks, your wife a break really favored the cashier is not in the pot, which unloved friend is calling the boss sucks, the deadline was not met, you're stuck in traffic, the collection basket goes through the ranks, you write a snotty reply mail, someone owes you money, it simply takes longer again ... oh dear, oh dear

Oh yes: Or if someone preaches grottenschlecht made

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I'm Bleeding After Using Rephresh


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

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and today again ...

Have 2 columns on .

Just read under flashing lights. Have fun!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Small Intestine Blockage Castor Oil

I do not know what to say ...

and so is here for so long any more.

Not that nothing happened in my life ... it arises only as often as the question of the content.

I'm just torn: Theologically, personally, content, location and what I still remember how.

And common the situation is that I just do not have the hope that this will change any time soon.

It just seems to be tuned to simply wait times. To see what happens. Inaction to endure, although enough to do. Keep things running, although everything needs to change. Wait until it is looming ...

can I do not at all. It makes me mad. Well, it rips me stop.

Just start anew? Does not seem to be tuned! We'll see.

My faith is in turmoil. That is my new book. I have written in recent weeks. It is on my desktop and awaits the next steps. Here, too, nothing happens.



Thursday, July 23, 2009

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eliminated Pope priest

"He has abused for years students now withdrew Pope Benedict a former priest of the monastery Lebenhan district Rhön-grave box, all the rights and duties as the Provincial Government announced that the now 71-year-old priest that no more remains, but also member of the Order. "

Here are the full story:

I mean, the story is familiar to us ... the little boy is now studying theology at the time has been put before 2 weeks and was heard. But how can it be that "barred" after 30 years, the deeds of the 71-year-olds are, at least in criminal law? Where are we living in?

And this is the punishment of the Church, not particularly serious, but still a bit of justice: His job is withdrawn, the Order further retain him as a member. It is Christian doctrine of forgiveness to keep these people in the community. The medal was his life, now he is his prison, he may receive anyone and is monitored every step. And Children and young people he may not approach ... and the children of that time? Well, they have probably learned that the church is not to be trusted.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Does Abreva Work Cold Sores

Inspired Greetings, your flea!

Friday, June 12, 2009

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proof of God Blessed are they who find their strength in God and not in anger

to write like this pastor Bomhard his letter that since 6.5. instead of the images on Bible is readable. Inspired by a sermon of the evangelist Christina Brudereck, which I personally believe very much, he decided to take the step, his first project on the WWW. He writes:

Schade, dass Macht mehr Bedeutung hat als Kreativität.

MfG, Floh

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Toronto Gaycruising Spot


Oh, dieser Post sollte eigentlich schon längst oben sein... Macht nix, jetzt halt nachträglich:

Seit gestern toben 300.000 Besucher durch das Areal der Stadtmusikanten. Anlass: 32. evangelischer Kirchentag unter dem Motto "Mensch, wo bist du". Die christliche Acapella Gruppe Wise Guys komponierte den Titelsong, lohnt sich, die lyrics anzuhören. Schwierig ist die Frage nicht zu beantworten: Bremen wäre das wohl! :D

Jedenfalls, unter den Besuchern sind Merkel, Steinmeier, Köhler und andere Politiker, die mit ihren Themen dort punkten vor großem empfänglichen Publikum. Ob Plausch über DDR-Jugend (Merkel) oder Eigenlob a la "Ich komme ja immerhin regelmäßig zum Kirchentag - heißt indirekt auch: Was andere eben nicht tun, schämt euch ihr Kollegen" (Steinmeier), Nunja, immerhin muss man beim inoffiziellen Wahlkampf auf dem Kirchentag nicht damit rechnen, Eier an den Hinterkopf geschmissen zu kriegen, wie es Westerwelle bei der Tourstation in Rostock geschah. Aber nicht nur zur Politik, auch zur Biologie hört man Stimmen, und nach einer Umfrage im Video Blog auf des Kirchentages äußern sich Stimmen für und wider dem Kreationismus. I laughed but at a welcome video of a scout group, welcomed the guests by saying: "The community wants .... all solid nests on the Church lot of fun" KTler love, I think you're having the o)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Lung Infection

effective provocative?

I was in the Eastern Cape on the road. We have made prevention workshops. Some 100 people from more than 10 communities have received training in three different places. In between, we drove more than 1000km. At the end a sermon and in 4 days. It was fun and I hope that what is stuck.

Beforehand I have decided to take no bones about it. So I ranted:
against the exploitation of women
counter a culture that saying no makes difficult
against pious lies

For HIV Test For Outings

for condoms

Some of the breath is hammered, others nodded in negative, many agreed.

A pastor has outed himself and thanked that we have produced his dignity. One has never heard me so passionate and inspired (speaking in the true religious meaning ;-). Many have laughed. Of this experience I want more ...

Speak the truth in love. Christian must live in the tension ... between animal and angel ...

CONTINUES! Matze was

Friday, May 8, 2009

What Pain Killer Is Prescribed After A Boob Job

Extend your borders!

nearly two months there is no record - yes, I have been fighting back with blogging. Well: This entry has long been slumbering in my stomach.
have in recent weeks, I noticed that the Missionarsein my limits expanded dramatically. So far that it almost does hurt that it's hard to get everything under his feet.
The image speaks of it. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm incredibly afraid of snakes. PANIC, goose bumps, SWEAT, shortness of breath. Honestly ... really scared! With a friend on the side I have overcome for a fraction. For me it was really a surprise. This was a step that I have already covered more often in theory, but in this life was impossible.
Other things just happen:
The daughter of a very good friend dies unexpectedly and dramatically, and a few hours after death, I'm sitting with my wife in their cabin. I'm thinking not even know what I say or should not say. I wonder not know what to do. Are not these moments, which need courage to actually ask me about? Grief counselors ... Ooops. I have noticed that I handle this easily, if I can something must, or the right times comes, usually plays a minor role.
The jail: not only because I always go, no, I also constantly smuggling pure things that are forbidden. Belts (hopefully no one is hanged, but as with any illegally) warm jackets (civilian clothing is prohibited), money, SIM cards (mobile phones are also banned) and whatever else is needed Sun Two weeks ago, my friend, no visits had more left (he may only 3x visit a month, what a shit Control): Well, then have mentioned, we in the visitor request someone else who had appointments and when we were in it was the guard with a can of cola gescmiert and brought our friend to us ...
is the missionary life: sad, dangerous and illegal ... ;-))
And I can only recommend (and me): Let us make life more dangerous ... then there is more follow!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Forehead Herpes Effects

klicky Bible

the pastor Mark Bomhard on fighting against playmobil. his modified figure playmobil enjoy high popularity in Christian circles. What began as a hobby and was approved in sympathetic agreement with the group, has become self-perpetuating and now complains about playmobil that copyrights and patents are infringed name. playmo from the bible-is-so www.klicky . there are sich bilder wie diese im biblischen kontext.

playmobil will aber auch dringendst verbieten, die figuren zu bearbeiten (gekreuzigter jesus) oder nackt zu zeigen (adam und eva). denn verständlicherweise hat man ja eine gewisse verantwortung als spielzeughersteller. und klar, in seinem keller, bitte, da kann er ja machen was er will, aber nicht öffentlich zur verfügung stellen! nun, so albern die einwände von playmobil klingen mögen, genauso dämlich sind die christlichen antworden darauf. ich lese in foren: " ist playmobil etwa des teufels?" oder: " das verhalten des konzerns ist anti-kirchlich!" . playmobil again, the "little Christian attitude and action as" not understand the ordained pastors.
I wonder what the whole dispute actually ever done so yet. Here you can read it quite obvious and makes christianity and commerce in particular. Today, as in all things. Faith is at the end.

PS: It is better not, if one feels discriminated against as Christians (see forum comments) behave then certainly a pseudo-righteous to create the tag. Let us not even aware: it does not distinguish the one from the others. no site is better, even if the feeling it will make one believe.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hdmi To Non Hdmi Receiver

What's he waiting for?

from 04/02/2009 at cinema (German)

again a splendid Bushism: I believe that God wants everybody to be free. And thats part of my foreign policy! ^ ^

oh and the thing with the craziness, it's just a matter of definition! actually has one half of humanity from the wafer. (I would also create no religion: D)

greet spring, flohrina

Monday, March 23, 2009

Best Way To Masterbaye

logic look

Clearly a simple answer if you have no idea what science is. And why get on the findings of Science and spirituality great so? Not at all ... Hmmm ... Real strange. Incidentally, the end of the world is approaching. The hourglass is about to expire. And Satan is the master of the one that lives in the world like it. Hehe.

When I look at nature, clearly, I can see God in it when I want. Nature is beautiful. But only if you do not look closely. Nature is too cruel and ungrateful, and it is raining but not just because God wills it. We got a brain of God. Ok. As far as clear. God is intelligent. I can see you. But why should we deny the evidence, the fruits of our thoughts are? And reduce it to praise God?

Well, I'm touched. The music does matter. Let's go naive and such a day outside. Whether it feels better?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Grecian Formula Risks


I am GOD.
You are GOD.
He is GOD.
She is GOD.
It is GOD.
We are GOD.
They are GOD.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thesis Statements On Abortions

Sun City

that's the name a casino bosses in the northwest. Located near a famous animal park. And that means the biggest prison in Soweto.

On Sunday I was there. I have to visit someone. He sits for 2 years and 4 months. Maybe innocent. His first 2 weeks he spent in a cell mass - with over 100 people.

Now he is in a 2-cell. That cost him. How can that be, where you have no money in jail. Well - money and so many others, I then get inside it. A friend encouraged me not to have a ship - and it was harmless.

That was my Sunday morning. There are visiting hours. That was my church.

Such is life. Matthew 25.43 - so easy succession. Have you ever been in jail?


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Soaking Oats Yahooanswers

Evidently Brainwashed

Lord, Cast brain from the sky! 9 minutes of pure madness in this video recorded.

A great compilation from the documentary film "Jesus Camp" (2006).

When I here the definition of "Religious Cult" look, I feel this is what I presented here, as it correctly. This further searching I come across various Psychotherapeuthen, who see it as a hazard, and describe the following:

The ex-Cultist has been traumatized, deceived, Conned, used and often emotionally, physically, sexually, and mentally abused while serving the group and / or the leader. Like other trauma victims (for example, of criminal acts, rape, and serious illness), former cultists often reexperience the painful memories of their group involvement. They also loose interest in the outside world, feel detached from society, and may show limited emotions. (Recovery from Cults: Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse, Michael Langone, ed)

The victims are the children who can not defend themselves, suffer later. As adults we should be able to responsibly with our natural authority over the younger generations we have been entrusted to deal.

Love, your shocked flea

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

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I was once again at a funeral. Which are in townships on Saturday. AIDS and ensure that one is already in the queue at all to come to the cemetery. It's appalling.

time it was a car accident that has cost a 24-year-old project officer's life. Streets are also dangerous.

On the picture you can see how a fan's funeral "upsets". Chants and dances in honor of the deceased, on the Reuckweg vom Stadion unter den Laster kam. Mir hat das gefallen, auch wenn es nicht in das fromme Bild gepasst hat. Die gewohnte Prozedur kam durcheinander. Lieder und Gebete wurden zerrissen.

Mir gefaellt das Bild. Ich wuenschte, Gemeindeveranstaltungen wuerden regelmaessig gestoert. Von Leuten, die sich einen Dreck um Konventionen scheren. Leute, die ihr "Programm" fahren, weil ihnen andere lieb und wichtig sind. Fangesaenge anstimmen.

Ja, das wuerde uns stoeren.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Ap Biology Respiration Questions

again learned a lesson!

Am Sonntag habe ich es wieder getan: 42,2 km.

Diesmal habe ich 15 Minuten mehr gebraucht. Diese Erfahrung war bitter. Nicht, weil ich von der Zeit enttaeuscht war (Who needs 4:40, is far beyond time comparing ;-)), but because the first 30 km were good. Then came no more. And maybe I would have given up at km 37 or so when the way to the car not just as far, as would be the way to the finish was. I could easily run almost exclusively.

bitter part was that I can predict the same would have. If you are missing miles in preparation when you're gone for months, not more than 15 km at a stretch, if you're in Germany 8! Kilo have increased (there are now only 5), then you lack the power - on the last kilometers.

I thought to myself, and could not resist the temptation, and finally to 2 Time for a marathon . Run It was worth it, but it was pretty hard. At least I do today without pain in the legs ...

learned? Patience and time are helpful. Not everything goes, just because you want to change. And who says that everything must go fast. And anyway: More, faster, more and somehow increase are values that fit less and less in my life ...


Thursday, February 12, 2009

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Happy Birthday Charly!

Just in time, in the last 30 minutes I möcte here to take this opportunity to congratulate one of the greatest scientists of all time. Happy Birthday!
This all is not as dry, here's a birthday video of a very active skeptic of Skepchick (yes because men can join):

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wecome Message-wedding

Flexible and friendly ...

they are Africans.

we had last week of our Teamretraite and Leif was a lot there. Somehow disturb children less here than in Germany. That's interesting. When Leif was screaming at the hearing it was somehow not unpleasant, but the boss was laughing and meant that Leif just knows what is his right. And he has the right rumzuschreien here.

Oh yes, Noa was in the time often longer in school. How? Just in the morning to say that it comes in the afternoon care. 2 € and pay for that is the child care to 17 clock and receive a complimentary lunch and the homework has been done. Simple as that no red tape, is affordable, flexible and simple and straightforward.

Maybe in Germany should also have some school directors, the vision to make parents a flexible job design simple.

There are many reasons to be here ...


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Taking Melatonin With Cipralex

Strategic essentialism

used in the sense of a deconstructionist approach. The subaltern identity turns out for Spivak, not as a "true" or even "natural" essence, but as fictional and influential. A subaltern consciousness is therefore a "theoretical fiction" with high strategic value insofar as it allows to carry out the dominant colonial and national-bourgeois historiography of a fundamental criticism.

(see Castro Varela, Maria do Mar / Dhawan, Nikita: Postcolonial theory . A Critical Introduction . Bielefeld: transcript 2005 , p.69-77)

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concept again in the Spivak draws on Marx a double meaning and representation turns out: "represent" (as an aesthetic portrait) and "represent" (by a political representative). For Spivak, this is coming to a head in an understanding of representation as a way of speaking of " and representation as "a talk show". The figure of the critical Western intellectuals is represented in Spivak's essay on the post-structuralists Foucault and Deleuze. By privileging local conflicts and micro-political forms of resistance to the post-structuralists, the global connections slip from view. The non-recognition of ideology theoretical assumptions led to a perspective that the marginalized designed as a classical-humanistic subjects, the resistant and are fully aware of their situation. Foucault, for example, believes that the masses are able to speak for themselves and would not need the intellectuals. The intellectuals themselves are Part of existing power configurations that they transform to an object and the same instrument.

(see Castro Varela, Maria do Mar / Dhawan, Nikita. Postcolonial theory A Critical Introduction Bielefeld. 2005 transcript, p.69-77)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Size 18 Before Tummy Tuck

I'm back! First

in two senses. Back in Blog and again in Africa.

man I am glad that our plane had to make an emergency landing nowhere. But I did anyway, never in the States. I hate flying. Maybe I'd rather stay here forever. Perhaps this is because of my non-existent medical certainty. My wife says it is my compulsion to control. No matter.

Everything here is already alarmingly normal. I'm fine. The worst is probably the start of school Noa, because the clock in the morning is get up with 6 connected. Again and again I realize that I'm actually born to be idle life. Now he has me, the early work everyday.

My glaring experience I had in the fridge. Anyone who has spent longer times abroad was the familiar feeling of helplessness before a packed German cabinets. I was now pass out in front of my refrigerator, because that is half broken, the contents were African boring and his monotonous hum me the leaking roof, the broken car (both self-corrected - I will grow up), the jungle in the garden, the dilapidated stove and all these imperfections have driven the tears in his eyes.

And my self-pity for a windchill was 1.5 seconds. Then I realized that I'm an ass. Real problems are not bad stocked refrigerator, but if you do not have. Or not even a house where you stand up your refrigerator. No broken car, but not even money for the taxi to the hospital. Not a jungle in the garden but a Blechhuette neben der anderen.

Wie sehr ist dein Charakter verdorben, wenn du vor lauter Wohlstand nicht mehr weisst, was du heute Abend essen sollst oder zur Arbeit anziehst?

Ich bin wieder da. Mitten in meiner Zerrissenheit zwischen Hausinstandhaltung, einem schoenen behueteten Nest fuer meine Kinder und der Wirklichkeit von Millionen, die das ihrer Familie nicht bieten koennen.

Ein egoistischer Arsch werde ich wohl bleiben, aber wenigstens mache ich mir bewusst, dass ich ein solcher bin und ich nehme es nicht einfach so hin...

Passend dazu ein kleines Gedicht:


Ich war Laufen
Neulich, als ich Laufen war
Musste ich weinen

Ich wusste nicht mehr
Ploetzlich wusste ich nicht mehr
Wie alles weitergehen soll

Ich fragte mich
Aengstlich fragte ich mich
Ob ich mich selbst verliere

Ich laufe weiter
Zweifelnd laufe ich weiter
Denn wer sich selbst verliert
Wird das Leben gewinnen

Satte Gruesse


Thursday, January 15, 2009

What Do You Do With Big Boobs In Bed

atheist gospel

(Video: Camille - Gospel With No Lord)

fascinating how! gospel, the English term for the Gospel, the Christian music genre of hardcore, this overloaded style whose subtle humility is expressed in assertions that great gospel tune everything and everything is possible only by God .... here is a gospel without God, believe in yourself instead: D

here to read along nochmal der volle text:
Allez Camille Simon allez
allez Camille Simon Sonia allez
allez Camille Simon Sonia Florence allez
allez Camille Simon Sonia Florence Hervé allez

I didn’t get it from the lord
But i know i got it
I know i got it
I didn’t get it from the lord
I got it from my brother
I didn’t get it from the lord
But i know i got it
I know i got it
I didn’t get it from the lord
I got it from my brother
I got it from my sister
I got it from my mother and father
I got it from myself

Papa dépêche toi
Ton coca va être froid
Papa dépêche toi
Ton coca va être
ton coca va être
dépêche toi
Ton coca va être froid
Papa dépêche toi
Ton coca va être
ton coca va être

1 2 3 4
I didn’t get it from the lord
But i know i got it
I know i got it
I didn’t get it from the lord
I got it from my brother
I got it from my sister
I got it from my mother and father
I got it from myself
from my father in law
and my brother in law
and my sister in law
and my uncle in law
my cousin in law
my god father in law
my step father in law
my step sister in law
what about my hamster hamster in
law from the roots deep down my family tree grows
my branch and music sets me free

Papa Dépêche toi Ton coca va être froid

Papa Dépêche toi Ton coca va être

ton coca va être froid

late greetings , fled

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Baby Dickies Painter Pants

atheists hate god is an astronaut

atheists deal constantly with no (god of atheist view). Why do they do that?

Once again a brilliant video of E. Current.