again learned a lesson!
Am Sonntag habe ich es wieder getan: 42,2 km.
Diesmal habe ich 15 Minuten mehr gebraucht. Diese Erfahrung war bitter. Nicht, weil ich von der Zeit enttaeuscht war (Who needs 4:40, is far beyond time comparing ;-)), but because the first 30 km were good. Then came no more. And maybe I would have given up at km 37 or so when the way to the car not just as far, as would be the way to the finish was. I could easily run almost exclusively.
bitter part was that I can predict the same would have. If you are missing miles in preparation when you're gone for months, not more than 15 km at a stretch, if you're in Germany 8! Kilo have increased (there are now only 5), then you lack the power - on the last kilometers.
I thought to myself, and could not resist the temptation, and finally to 2 Time for a marathon . Run It was worth it, but it was pretty hard. At least I do today without pain in the legs ...
learned? Patience and time are helpful. Not everything goes, just because you want to change. And who says that everything must go fast. And anyway: More, faster, more and somehow increase are values that fit less and less in my life ...
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