Sunday, May 3, 2009

Forehead Herpes Effects

klicky Bible

the pastor Mark Bomhard on fighting against playmobil. his modified figure playmobil enjoy high popularity in Christian circles. What began as a hobby and was approved in sympathetic agreement with the group, has become self-perpetuating and now complains about playmobil that copyrights and patents are infringed name. playmo from the bible-is-so www.klicky . there are sich bilder wie diese im biblischen kontext.

playmobil will aber auch dringendst verbieten, die figuren zu bearbeiten (gekreuzigter jesus) oder nackt zu zeigen (adam und eva). denn verständlicherweise hat man ja eine gewisse verantwortung als spielzeughersteller. und klar, in seinem keller, bitte, da kann er ja machen was er will, aber nicht öffentlich zur verfügung stellen! nun, so albern die einwände von playmobil klingen mögen, genauso dämlich sind die christlichen antworden darauf. ich lese in foren: " ist playmobil etwa des teufels?" oder: " das verhalten des konzerns ist anti-kirchlich!" . playmobil again, the "little Christian attitude and action as" not understand the ordained pastors.
I wonder what the whole dispute actually ever done so yet. Here you can read it quite obvious and makes christianity and commerce in particular. Today, as in all things. Faith is at the end.

PS: It is better not, if one feels discriminated against as Christians (see forum comments) behave then certainly a pseudo-righteous to create the tag. Let us not even aware: it does not distinguish the one from the others. no site is better, even if the feeling it will make one believe.


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