Thursday, March 3, 2011

What Size Is Beyonce In Jeans

Britisches Verteidigungsministerium veröffentlicht weitere einst geheime UFO-Akten

sketch of a UFO sighting in Scotland from the newly released files of the MoD London, England - The British Ministry of Defence (Ministry of Defence, MoD) has another, which is now seventh installment released once secret UFO files. One of the many new findings from the review of the documents is that that official document to the UFO incident in Rendlesham Forest "disappeared" and were seen in the UFO-related files of the MoD about this incident in which unidentified flying objects of military personnel (. .. we reported
) "is a big gap."
Insgesamt wurden 35 Datensätze und fünf Anhänge veröffentlich. 20 davon beinhalten MoD-Korrespondenzen zu Thema. Fünf Datensätze erläutern UFO-Sichtungen, wie sie dem MoD in den Jahren von 2001 bis 2005 gemeldet wurden. Zwei Datensätze haben parlamentarische Anfragen über UFOs zum Inhalt. Sieben beinhalten Anfragen unter Berufung auf das Informationsfreiheitsgesetz "Freedom of Information Act" (FOIA) und ein Ordner erläutert die offizielle Politik des MoD bezüglich der UFO-Thematik.
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addition to information on sightings of ordinary explanations or counterfeiting, including Studentenulk of 1967, as students beeping miniature UFO models distributed across England (defe 24/1986, p. 309) found in the case file documents as they are interesting from the perspective of UFO research. - including a written reply to a Tornado pilots to questions about his UFO sighting 1990th Together with the crew of a second aircraft of the Royal Air Force (RAF), he observed on 5 November, an unidentified flying object over the North Sea in the Dutch air space (defe 24/2041, p. 10, 11, 27 and 108). The sighting was later under investigation, the Belgian UFO wave of 1989-90.

The responses of the pilot is clear therefore that he himself had been the sudden appearance of unidentified flying object so surprised he forgot to completely turn his airborne radar. Refer back to ground control showed that there is no object could be located. "The UFO was not like any aircraft I know of in the service I know of air forces. (...) It was flying about on our level and I could make out details such as an exhaust and a kind of bluish afterburner with constant blue flame. (...) We flew himself at a speed of Mach 0.8 (about 850 km / h), but the UFO no effort to overtake. "

had also immediately after the announcement of the sighting of what has been alleged that pilots had seen parts of a Russian satellite on re-entry into the atmosphere, contrary to the letter interviewed Tornado Pilot:
"It was certainly not a Russian satellite - I'm 100% sure. That was a big 'airplane' by I could see the details like lights and the engine. I have never since seen anything like it "
- In September 2002, Lord Hill-Norton a request to the MoD, in which it is a confirmation of an alleged UFO sighting by the crew of a Royal Navy destroyer." HMS Manchester "1998/99 off the coast of Norway asked the Ministry of Defence The answer sounds amazing. The logbook of the ship with the entries for the relevant period was . been blown overboard by a gust of wind" The captain himself could be on the other hand, no corresponding incident recall (defe 24/2092, p. 225). - Telling also to many observers, the findings from a search after the MoD UFO files to the incident Rendelsham Forest (... as reported) is. This revealed in 2000 that a whole set of secret files to the affected cohorts (1980-82), and also including just those files to the Rendlesham Forest incident have been destroyed. The person responsible had not been able to explain when and why the files were destroyed because the certificate of destruction of the files can not be lifted more than five years "(DEFE 2026, p. 182). A final, perhaps even self-critical internal reference by the MoD on this "flagrant anomaly in the records "needs no further comment, as the one here but concerned that the publication of that fact could be interpreted such that" there had been a planned attempt to destroy records of the incident. " - on the positions the United Kingdom in the discussion of the UFO issue at the United Nations (UN) in the years 1977-1979 to throw the newly released records a revealing light: Inspired by the then President of Grenada, Sir Eric Gairy, was then about investigations of the UFO phenomenon in the context of the United Nations discussed. The files (defe 24/2032, p.10-34) belegen nun die deutlich distanzierte Haltung des Außenministeriums, weigerten sich die britischen Diplomaten doch, einen solchen Schritt zu sanktionieren. Ein solch "lächerlicher Antrag brächte lediglich die Vereinten Nationen in Verruf" , so ein Diplomat.

Offizielles Treffen zwischen UN-Diplomaten und UFO-Forschern im Hauptquartier der Vereinten Nationen am 14. Juli 1978. Von links nach rechts: NASA-Astronaut (Mercury-Atlas 9, Gemini 5) Gordon Cooper, Jacques Vallee, Claude Poher, J. Allen Hynek, Sir Eric Gairy und UN-Generalsekretär Kurt Waldheim und David Saunders.
Gairy moved his application initially, but continued his efforts until he was deposed by a military coup in 1978 continued UN intern. This culminated in meetings of senior UN diplomats (including the then UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim) with leading UFO researchers at the 14th July 1978 (see the figure) and the passing of a resolution (33/426) of the UN General Assembly on 18 December 1978 on "extraterrestrial life and UFOs," as they
"all interested Member States (invited) at national level, appropriate measures for the coordination of scientific research and investigation of extra-terrestrial life, not including unidentified flying Objects (UFOs) to take, and the UN Secretary-General on the observations, research and evaluation to inform these measures. " Due to lack of support of Member States, the decision to this day but not put in the United Nations and the inquiries is on national level referenced -. More interesting cases from the files in a German summary is available HERE

- New UFO files to the MoD in the original can be found HERE
A free download is only available for a limited time!
- Details of diezuvor already veröffentlichetn the MoD UFO files can be found HERE

British Ministry of Defence released more UFO files
5th August 2010
British Ministry of Defence wants to destroy future UFO reports
first March 2010
British Ministry of Defense released more UFO files 18th February 2010

England: Ehem. Defense relative importance of the British UFO files
21st January 2010
British Defence Ministry releases UFO reports in 2009 14th January 2010

British Ministry of Defence UFO closes office
4th December 2009

England publishes more UFO files

17th August 2009

British Ministry of Defence UFO files released are other
22nd March 2009
British UFO Report: Author of "condign Report" remains secret 16th April 2009 books on the subject:

- - -

sources : international scientific / /


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