Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Age To Drive A Boat In Ont

Spektakuläre Eruption auf der erdabgewandten Seite der Sonne

Still from the video of the solar flare. Click Sie auf die Bildmitte, um zu einer vergrößerten Darstellung zu gelangen. A, B, C, M and X divided) on the surface of the sun and threw it huge amounts of plasma into space. The event was observed from the solar observatory "Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in the extreme ultraviolet light spectrum. The high resolution of the SDO-camera images allowed the researchers in high detail.


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solar flare on 24 February 2011

Click the image to center to start the video

not until 15 February 2011 was a breakout category "X 2" pointed directly toward Earth resigned and was again fueled fears about the possible consequences of violent solar storms on technical networks and infrastructures in the world, which are summarized including a NASA study (. ..
we reported
MORE NEWS ON most powerful solar flare in years fired toward Earth 18th February 2011
Enormous solar flare theories shaken to the solar activity
16th December 2010
second August 2010
Sun researchers: "We do not really know of what constitutes our sun at all,"
20th July 2010
solar storm 2012: NASA study on social and economic impact of a super solar flare

23rd January 2009

books on the subject:

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sources. international scientific aktuell.de / nasa.gov


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