Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Space Space, but distant exotic stars and their potential planetary systems connect with each other. At the same time the researchers suspect that it is worm holes, they should actually exist, is not just empty tunnels, but that they are filled with a "perfect liquid" and could be identified using individual signatures more ...

Zahi Hawass takes his hat as ancient Egyptian Minister
More news to follow ... HERE you can charge Our daily newsletter order messages from 04 March 2011

UFO Disclosure

British Ministry of Defense released once more secret UFO files London, England - The British Ministry of Defence (Ministry of Defence, MoD) has another, which is now seventh installment released once secret UFO files. One of the many new findings from the review of those documents is that official document to the UFO incident Rendlesham Forest "disappeared" and are seen in UFO-related files of the MoD about this incident in which unidentified flying objects of military personnel were "a big gap"
more ...

of 03 messages March 2011

messages from 02 March 2011
biologists hope evidence for the existence of Sasquatch United States - Private Investigators of the so-called "Erickson Project" have announced strong evidence for the existence of the legendary North American forest people Sasquatch (Bigfoot), in addition to a DNA analysis of alleged organic samples of the cryptids are to be published soon video evidence for the existence of beings, will show a live Sasquatch detailed and close-ups more ...

Space NASA press conference to current solar activity

Washington / USA - Contrary to all expectations and despite some fierce's recent solar flares, is the current solar cycle is still scheduled unusually quiet dar. Originally on Thursday, NASA now has a press conference brought forward to this evening. On this the scientists want to present latest findings on the remarkable quiet sun express
more ...
Space Archaeology

Archaeologists find Stone Age sweat lodge in southern England
Devizes, England - In the southern English county of Wiltshire, archaeologists have uncovered the remains of a building which - according to the interpretation of the scientist - once was used as a sweat lodge. Already, the researchers draw comparisons to the Native American sweat lodges, but also by shamans in other parts of the northern hemisphere, as for the initiation, ceremonial and medical uses were cleaning
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Nature a magnetic sense, for longitudes use more ...

of 28 messages February 2011

Bolzano, Italy - For the 20th Anniversary of the discovery of the Iceman Ötzi dedicated from the "South Tyrol Archaeological Museum in Bolzano, the" man the ice, "from 1 March 2011 to January 15, 2012 the special exhibition" Ötzi20. "opening of the exhibition is the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology, among other things, the new life-like reconstruction of Ötzi before more ...

cryptozoology English sea monster: Another sighting of Bownessie
Bowness-on-Windermere, England - Just five days after two kayakers on the Windermere Lake in the county of Cumbria an alleged do sea monsters have not only seen but also photographed , the British relatives of the monster of Loch Ness was now of two other witnesses spotted
more ...

Extraterrestrial Life, Space be selected as a mission, as it is to start already 2020th One of the four finalists' projects is a space telescope with which to analyze the atmospheres of distant exoplanets. The instrument would be the first, could also be determined by whether an exoplanet of examined life can accommodate by Earth standards more ...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Umfrage belegt deutlichen Anstieg von Spukerlebnissen in Großbritannien

survey reveals significant increase of Spukerlebnissen in the UK Richard Wiseman Ghostmap 2011: The results of the poll after Spukerlebnissen Hatfield, England - A recent study by Professor Richard Wiseman skeptical parapsychologist from the University of Hertfordshire "shows that 25 percent, 11 million of adult Britons are convinced that he himself ever witnessed by Spukphänomenen. A comparison with previous surveys shows a significant increase in this belief.
"It is the highest so far determined value" , Wiseman said on its website ( ) and continues: "Previous studies had shown that in the 1950s only 7 percent the people were convinced that they have even ever seen a ghost. In the late 1990s, this value was increased to 14 percent and in 2003 was 19 percent. " However, the polls show clear differences between the regions. While the highest number achieved at Spukerlebnissen in Yorkshire, Humberside and Midlands were proved to the people of London and southeast England as a rather skeptical. www.grenzwissenschaft
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"attributed to the increase in people, the creaking doors and cold flashes spirits could be attributed to several factors" said Wiseman. It was such a marked increase in TV shows, ghost hunters, while traditional beliefs were in decline. The survey also shows a marked difference in the spirit Allow between the sexes. While 31 percent of the women of the experiences reported, it was for men only 18 percent. "Dieses Verhältnis hat sich in nahezu gleicher Weise schon in allen früheren Untersuchungen bestätigt. Ein Grund hierfür mag darin liegen, dass wesentlich mehr Frauen Spukerscheinungen als sozial akzeptabel betrachten als Männer." 
Trotz seiner zahlreichen Untersuchungen und Studien über das Übersinnliche, ist Wiseman selbst bekennender Skeptiker des Paranormalen und zählt zu den populärsten Vertretern der internationalen Skeptiker-Gemeinde. In seinen Büchern wie "Paranormality" beschreibt er unter anderem seine Überzeugung, dass Spukerscheinungen in Wirklichkeit das Ergebnis von Halluzinationen, Suggestion und optischen Täuschungen sind.
"As for the existence of ghosts, I'm extremely skeptical" , so Wiseman.
"However, demonstrates the new study suggests that despite great advances in science and technology, many people still have a deep-seated desire to believe in the impossible. This is why such strange experiences a fascinating insight into our psyche and our behavior."
Books by Richard Wiseman

- - - sources: international scientific /

Friday, March 4, 2011

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Theoretisch möglich: Wurmlöcher als Reiseportale zwischen exotischen Sternen

Künstlerische Darstellung einer Passage durch ein Wurmloch sondern dass sie mit einer "perfekten Flüssigkeit" gefüllt sind und so anhand individueller Signaturen identifiziert werden könnten.
Wie die Wissenschaftler um Vladimir Dzhunushalievs in ihrem auf "
" vorab veröffentlichten Artikel schildern, kamen sie auf ihre Schlussfolgerungen, als sie herausfinden wollten, welche astrophysikalischen Objekte als Eingänge zu Wurmlöchern verwendet werden könnten und weil zahlreiche bisherige Ansätze davon ausgehen, dass derartige Eingänge aussehen könnten wie Sterne. Basierend auf dieser theoretischen Vorstellung entwickelten die Forscher ein ebenfalls Modell, nachdem Wurmlöcher in at first sight like ordinary stars and neutron stars can exist acting objects. Due to their nature, would such exotic stars to distinguish them from ordinary stars and could then be recognized as such. + + + HERE
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In Dzhunushalievs model are the worm hole in the center of two inputs each of these stars. Since exotic matter in the wormhole between the stars could be back and forth flow, though the two "stars" probably pulsate in an unusual manner, make this wormhole star a variety of energy sources, such as high-energy cosmic rays, and could be identified by a wormhole entrances. The main problem with this words " " the paper together, there is in the exact calculation of the oscillation of the stars and what type of energy emitted by the stars is. Stood that information to be available, could scientists detect wormhole stars themselves from the earth and different from ordinary stars.

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Zahi Hawass nimmt seinen Hut als ägyptischer Altertumsminister

Dr. Zahi Hawass Essam Sharaf government to exercise any further. Hawass so obviously draws conclusions from ongoing protests and criticism of his personality and attitude during the revolution against the Mubarak regime. He also warns that Egyptian antiquities are currently in great danger. Only yesterday Hawass had listed on his website " " those archaeological sites that were looted during and since the days of the revolution by hooligans and criminals and corrupt.

He apparently sees as victims of a campaign by members of the Ancient Ministry. "Es sei ihm unmöglich, die Schätze des Landes weiter zu schützen - auch, weil die Polizeipräsenz nicht ausreiche, um archäologische Stätten zu bewachen. Er warnt, die ägyptischen Antiquitäten seien in großer Gefahr, in die Hände Krimineller zu fallen" , berichtet der Spiegel.
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Schon kurz nach dem Sturz Mubaraks hatten mehr als 200 ägyptische Archaeologists from the main building of the SCA and demonstrating the military handed over a list of claims (... ). In addition to demands for higher wages, the list called for the resignation and indictment Hawass' of corruption and responsibility for the thefts of 18 historical treasures from the Egyptian Museum.
In an interview with Spiegel Online
"Hawass dismissed the accusations back sharply
" These young people are demonstrating for one reason:. Because they want a job, nothing more "
His own future plans, Dr. Hawass has since been not yet ruled, and the extent to which affects his retirement as Minister of Antiquities goods to his position as Secretary General of Egyptian Antiquities, is still open. MORE NEWS ON Egyptian archaeologists demand resignation and indictment of Zahi Hawass

15th February 2011

Official letter: Zahi Hawass requested the return of the Nefertiti

25th January 2011

Zahi Hawass confirmed cave system at Giza - but denies special meaning

7th December 2009
DNA analysis: researchers identify parents Tutankhamun
17th February 2010 Zahi Hawass denied vehemently: "Tutankhamun was not black!" 29th September 2007

sources: international scientific / /

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Poi un poco il corpo ch'èi Posato lasso,
ripresi via per la Piaggia diserta,
sì che 'l piè fermo semper era' l più basso.

Ed ecco, quasi al cominciare de l'erta,
e presta molto una lonza leggera, Tues
che era pel macolato coverta;

e non mi si Partia dinanzi al volto, anzi
'tanto il mio cammino mpediva,
ch'i' fui per più volte Ritornare volto.
Dante Alighieri

As soon as my fatigued body had only some ausgeruhet, I continued my way through the desolate area away again, so that I had to constantly climb uphill. And suddenly I saw there at the foot of the mountain, a light and volatile buntschäckigtes Panther animal. The same turned an eye on me. It prevented me rather so much in leaving, that I had already gone back to several times, again to return.
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Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Britisches Verteidigungsministerium veröffentlicht weitere einst geheime UFO-Akten

sketch of a UFO sighting in Scotland from the newly released files of the MoD London, England - The British Ministry of Defence (Ministry of Defence, MoD) has another, which is now seventh installment released once secret UFO files. One of the many new findings from the review of the documents is that that official document to the UFO incident in Rendlesham Forest "disappeared" and were seen in the UFO-related files of the MoD about this incident in which unidentified flying objects of military personnel (. .. we reported
) "is a big gap."
Insgesamt wurden 35 Datensätze und fünf Anhänge veröffentlich. 20 davon beinhalten MoD-Korrespondenzen zu Thema. Fünf Datensätze erläutern UFO-Sichtungen, wie sie dem MoD in den Jahren von 2001 bis 2005 gemeldet wurden. Zwei Datensätze haben parlamentarische Anfragen über UFOs zum Inhalt. Sieben beinhalten Anfragen unter Berufung auf das Informationsfreiheitsgesetz "Freedom of Information Act" (FOIA) und ein Ordner erläutert die offizielle Politik des MoD bezüglich der UFO-Thematik.
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addition to information on sightings of ordinary explanations or counterfeiting, including Studentenulk of 1967, as students beeping miniature UFO models distributed across England (defe 24/1986, p. 309) found in the case file documents as they are interesting from the perspective of UFO research. - including a written reply to a Tornado pilots to questions about his UFO sighting 1990th Together with the crew of a second aircraft of the Royal Air Force (RAF), he observed on 5 November, an unidentified flying object over the North Sea in the Dutch air space (defe 24/2041, p. 10, 11, 27 and 108). The sighting was later under investigation, the Belgian UFO wave of 1989-90.

The responses of the pilot is clear therefore that he himself had been the sudden appearance of unidentified flying object so surprised he forgot to completely turn his airborne radar. Refer back to ground control showed that there is no object could be located. "The UFO was not like any aircraft I know of in the service I know of air forces. (...) It was flying about on our level and I could make out details such as an exhaust and a kind of bluish afterburner with constant blue flame. (...) We flew himself at a speed of Mach 0.8 (about 850 km / h), but the UFO no effort to overtake. "

had also immediately after the announcement of the sighting of what has been alleged that pilots had seen parts of a Russian satellite on re-entry into the atmosphere, contrary to the letter interviewed Tornado Pilot:
"It was certainly not a Russian satellite - I'm 100% sure. That was a big 'airplane' by I could see the details like lights and the engine. I have never since seen anything like it "
- In September 2002, Lord Hill-Norton a request to the MoD, in which it is a confirmation of an alleged UFO sighting by the crew of a Royal Navy destroyer." HMS Manchester "1998/99 off the coast of Norway asked the Ministry of Defence The answer sounds amazing. The logbook of the ship with the entries for the relevant period was . been blown overboard by a gust of wind" The captain himself could be on the other hand, no corresponding incident recall (defe 24/2092, p. 225). - Telling also to many observers, the findings from a search after the MoD UFO files to the incident Rendelsham Forest (... as reported) is. This revealed in 2000 that a whole set of secret files to the affected cohorts (1980-82), and also including just those files to the Rendlesham Forest incident have been destroyed. The person responsible had not been able to explain when and why the files were destroyed because the certificate of destruction of the files can not be lifted more than five years "(DEFE 2026, p. 182). A final, perhaps even self-critical internal reference by the MoD on this "flagrant anomaly in the records "needs no further comment, as the one here but concerned that the publication of that fact could be interpreted such that" there had been a planned attempt to destroy records of the incident. " - on the positions the United Kingdom in the discussion of the UFO issue at the United Nations (UN) in the years 1977-1979 to throw the newly released records a revealing light: Inspired by the then President of Grenada, Sir Eric Gairy, was then about investigations of the UFO phenomenon in the context of the United Nations discussed. The files (defe 24/2032, p.10-34) belegen nun die deutlich distanzierte Haltung des Außenministeriums, weigerten sich die britischen Diplomaten doch, einen solchen Schritt zu sanktionieren. Ein solch "lächerlicher Antrag brächte lediglich die Vereinten Nationen in Verruf" , so ein Diplomat.

Offizielles Treffen zwischen UN-Diplomaten und UFO-Forschern im Hauptquartier der Vereinten Nationen am 14. Juli 1978. Von links nach rechts: NASA-Astronaut (Mercury-Atlas 9, Gemini 5) Gordon Cooper, Jacques Vallee, Claude Poher, J. Allen Hynek, Sir Eric Gairy und UN-Generalsekretär Kurt Waldheim und David Saunders.
Gairy moved his application initially, but continued his efforts until he was deposed by a military coup in 1978 continued UN intern. This culminated in meetings of senior UN diplomats (including the then UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim) with leading UFO researchers at the 14th July 1978 (see the figure) and the passing of a resolution (33/426) of the UN General Assembly on 18 December 1978 on "extraterrestrial life and UFOs," as they
"all interested Member States (invited) at national level, appropriate measures for the coordination of scientific research and investigation of extra-terrestrial life, not including unidentified flying Objects (UFOs) to take, and the UN Secretary-General on the observations, research and evaluation to inform these measures. " Due to lack of support of Member States, the decision to this day but not put in the United Nations and the inquiries is on national level referenced -. More interesting cases from the files in a German summary is available HERE

- New UFO files to the MoD in the original can be found HERE
A free download is only available for a limited time!
- Details of diezuvor already veröffentlichetn the MoD UFO files can be found HERE

British Ministry of Defence released more UFO files
5th August 2010
British Ministry of Defence wants to destroy future UFO reports
first March 2010
British Ministry of Defense released more UFO files 18th February 2010

England: Ehem. Defense relative importance of the British UFO files
21st January 2010
British Defence Ministry releases UFO reports in 2009 14th January 2010

British Ministry of Defence UFO closes office
4th December 2009

England publishes more UFO files

17th August 2009

British Ministry of Defence UFO files released are other
22nd March 2009
British UFO Report: Author of "condign Report" remains secret 16th April 2009 books on the subject:

- - -

sources : international scientific / /

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Indische Mondsonde findet verborgene Kammer auf dem Mond

detailed view of the partially collapsed lava tube with undamaged spacer (red frame)
It is located in the "Ocean of Storms" (Oceanus Procellarum), an irregularly shaped area in the western part of Mare erdzugewandten side of the moon.
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particularly in the implementation of the 3D data of the stereo camera, the structures of the subterranean chamber are clear as they demonstrate an undamaged section of the lava tube.

elevation map of the region in the Lava
and finally leaving the cooled tube. That there are such lava tubes on the moon, earth, astronomers have previously suggested on the basis of coiled groove structures on the earth satellite, which are partially collapsed, so it provides an indication of the underlying cavities. But in October 2009, researchers found on recordings of the Japanese lunar probe Kaguya an input or output in an intact system of tunnels. On Mars were discovered similar holes and tunnels (... we reported for left).

NASA probe provides new insight into Mondloch
10. Februar 2011
NASA-Sonde entdeckt zwei Brücken auf der dunklen Seite des Mondes
10. September 2010
NASA-Forscher und Schüler entdecken seltene Löcher in Mond und Mars
30. Juni 2010

NASA-Aufnahmen zeigen Tunnel auch auf dem Mars
27. Oktobr 2009

Erstmals Tunneleingang auf dem Mond entdeckt

23. Oktober 2009
Quellen: /

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Solare Minima: Computermodell erklärt fleckenarme Sonne

Makellos: Sonnenfleckenfreie Sonne am 2. März 2008 When sunspots are dark areas on the visible solar surface (photosphere) that are cooler and therefore emit less visible light than the rest of the surface and how they are created by local magnetic fields. had reached

During the last solar cycle 23 may be maximum activity with a previously never before recorded high number of sunspots in 2001, followed by an unusually prolonged period strikingly low activity, called solar minimum, followed by new and current cycle number 24, the activity increases again, and now according to the estimates of many astronomers reach its peak 2012/2013 could.

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Artistic representation of the interior of the sun, the plasma current appears here as a black-belt loops, as they combine the surface of the sun with its interior. be repeated in future.

was a result of this record it to a minimum cooling and collapse of the terrestrial thermosphere (... we reported ) and a weakening of the magnetic field of the sun and the solar wind, in the cosmic rays extent have not been known to penetrate into the solar system (... we reported a
2). At the same time, solar researchers presented the question of where the sunspot had ended up. The answer is for researchers in belts of plasma flows inside the sun. "If dying sun spots, their magnetic remnants from fall to a depth of 300,000 km below the solar surface. The dynamo of the sun strengthens, then the magnetic fields actually dying. Such revived towards that - almost like a cork under water - again starting at the surface and a new sunspot cycle "

sunspot cycles of the past century. The blue curve shows the cyclical variation in the number of sunspots. The red bars show the sun, the cumulative number of spotless days. The minimum of solar cycle number 23 was the longest since the beginning of the space age with the largest consecutive Number of sun-free days. as this would promote the sunspot production - but this effect remains. reached when the remains of the sunspot the inner dynamo, they rode on the plasma flows through the reinforcement zone is simply too fast through it, than could be increased - which affected the production of new sunspots.

later, when then in the early 2000s, the new computer model, the plasma current belt slowed down again, had the magnetic fields of the former sunspots actually may indeed recover, but was at the time of the injury have been too large and "there was hardly supply for new sunspots "
. also supported the slow circulation of the plasma flows, the re-ascent and not delayed by even the beginning of the solar cycle number 24 (... we reported ). " was the stage for the deepest solar minimum So prepare " said the other co-author of the study Peter Martens of the" Montana State University "Understanding the way solar minima and predicted needs is something that we're so far not been possible - and it is a very important thing " says Lika Guhathakurta of the" Helio Physics Division of NASA. During solar maxima during which it is usually too violent eruptions phases are relatively short lasting, with a few years, can solar minima for many years, indeed even persist for decades. The most famous example is the so-called Maunder minimum, which in the 17th Whole century and lasted 70 years with the peak of the so-called Little Ice Age between the 15th and 19 Century went hand in hand. Until now, scientists seek necessary to understand possible links between the two phenomena.
As a next step in their exploration of the Sun, is NASA's solar observatory "Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), the interior Watch our star and thus the plasma current belt, in order to understand future minima even better and be able to predict.

books on the subject:

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sources: international scientific / nasa. gov

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Forscher versprechen Beweise für die Existenz von Sasquatch

screenshot of the "Erickson Projects Researchers at the so-called "Erickson Project" have announced strong evidence for the existence of the legendary North American forest people Sasquatch (Bigfoot), in addition to a DNA analysis of alleged organic samples of the cryptids are to be published soon video evidence for the existence of beings that a living Sasquatch detailed and close-ups to show.
The "Erickson Project" is the project manager, according to Adrian Erickson is a long-term study, "one would prove once and for all the existence of Sasquatch." Erickson himself to have had already in 1959 his first sighting of the creature. 2001 was a Sasquatch in front of his car a road in the Canadian Rocky Mountains crossed.
One of the goals of the "Search for Sasquatch" is to create better videos of the creatures. In addition to the compilation of numerous casts of foot-and handprints of forest people, and the company of organic samples is, after years of painstaking and expensive work in North American forests, this target have been achieved, the researchers report on their website " " . These recordings will also "the first close-up so far created the face of a Sasquatch" include .
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+ + + The results of the search for Sasquatch, according to Erickson are now available and are believed to have sometimes in the form of a documentary with the same title ("Sasquatch - The Quest") to be published. This documentation also expertenbegutachtete DNA analysis by Dr. Melba Ketchum will be comprised of "DNA Diagnostics" in Texas. So far, all of which were published this information or videos but not yet. As the U.S. Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman on his website " " reports, was declared on the Facebook page Impossible Visits
"from an anonymous witness (Youtube member" InsideSasquatchSourc ") that he led by" Erickson Project "announced Video've already seen. Here it is:
"I am one of the few people who have seen this already best video clip and it is much more detailed than the Patterson / Gimlin film."

Archives: Still from the Bigfoot film from 1967 What follows is a description of the nature of the film. The tests showed that the close-ups of the face of alleged Sasquatch "a nose, the human is very similar but with larger nostrils, slightly brittle but rosy lips, a pink mouth with a blackened tongue. Tip, fang-like teeth and deep dark eyes, around staring without blinking (at least during the recording). "
The head of the Sasquatch is of round shape. More like a human being as such as that of a gorilla. The eyebrow game was much stronger. The nature in which it were apparently to have a female specimen, fine, flowing hair of reddish-brown Color and soft short hair on the face.
"If it goes like this, it moves very much like the females in the Patterson-Gimlin film."
While Loren Coleman before the publication of images, "skeptical, interested," shows that he is, however, to remember that so far only a few independent information about the "Erickson Project" and its members were known and writes:
"It could be the most exciting news of the past years. The 'Erickson Project' could be the key to a new understanding of the Bigfoot question." It could, however, even for a viral campaign for this job eines neuen Films, ein soziales Experiment in Sachen Glaubwürdigkeit von Zeugen, oder schlicht um eine Fälschung handeln. Sollten sich die Behauptungen jedoch bestätigen, "so könnte es sich um einen Durchbruch in der Hominologie, Kryptozoologie, in der Bigfoot-Forschung und damit auch in Anthropologie und Zoologie handeln." Seit der Veröffentlichung der Website des "Erickson Project" rätseln Beobachter, ob es einen Zusammenhang zu einer Webseite über Expedition eines Teams und Todd Standing gibt, die ebenfalls 70 Sekunden Nahaufnahmen von Sasquatchs, die hier als "Sylvanics" bezeichnet werden, für sich beansprucht. Tatsächlich gibt es auf der Seite des Projekts eine direct link to ' " preview of a 13-minute documentary

Click the image to center to start the video

Others suggest that have the painting on the side of the "Erickson Project" (see photo above) is based on the announced recordings. Up to press this message we were still banned any further information by chance in this thing before ... MORE NEWS ON

Sasquatch on film? third September 2010

primate researchers: "If Bigfoot exists, then it's not a monkey" 7th October 2009 new expert analysis: Bigfoot recordings from 1967 are authentic

4th March 2009 40 years ago today: Patterson and Gimlin Bigfoot film

20th October 2007
English books on the subject:

- - -

sources: international scientific / / /

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Vorverlegt: NASA-Pressekonferenz zu aktueller Sonnenaktivität

Our sun
currently remarkably quiet sun comment.

should include for the first time a computer model are presented, with the researchers to explain the sun's current phase of mild solar activity, as it is subjected to a 11-year cycle, at this press conference. , according to NASA. According to previous models, solar activity was supposed to increase gradually.

+ + +

können sie unseren + + + Sprecher auf der Telekonferenz sind Richard Fischer, Direktor von der "Heliophysics Division" am NASA-Hauptquartier in Washington; Dibyendu Nandi, Professor des Indischen Instituts für Forschung, Wissenschaft und Bildung in Kolkata; Andres Munoz-Jaramillo vom "Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics" in Cambridge und Delores Knipp von der "University of Colorado" in Boulder.


spectacular eruption on the far side of the sun second March 2011

strongest solar flare fired for years toward Earth
18th February 2011
Enormous solar flare theories shaken to the solar activity 16th December 2010
sunspots can increase flooding in Venice
second August 2010

Sun researchers: "We do not really know, of what our sun is in general" 20th July 2010

solar storm 2012: NASA study on social and economic impact of a super solar flare
23rd January 2009

books on the subject:

- - -

sources: international scientific /

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Spektakuläre Eruption auf der erdabgewandten Seite der Sonne

Still from the video of the solar flare. Click Sie auf die Bildmitte, um zu einer vergrößerten Darstellung zu gelangen. A, B, C, M and X divided) on the surface of the sun and threw it huge amounts of plasma into space. The event was observed from the solar observatory "Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in the extreme ultraviolet light spectrum. The high resolution of the SDO-camera images allowed the researchers in high detail.

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solar flare on 24 February 2011

Click the image to center to start the video

not until 15 February 2011 was a breakout category "X 2" pointed directly toward Earth resigned and was again fueled fears about the possible consequences of violent solar storms on technical networks and infrastructures in the world, which are summarized including a NASA study (. ..
we reported
MORE NEWS ON most powerful solar flare in years fired toward Earth 18th February 2011
Enormous solar flare theories shaken to the solar activity
16th December 2010
second August 2010
Sun researchers: "We do not really know of what constitutes our sun at all,"
20th July 2010
solar storm 2012: NASA study on social and economic impact of a super solar flare

23rd January 2009

books on the subject:

- - -
sources. international scientific /