Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fotos De Lers En Bikini


I was once again at a funeral. Which are in townships on Saturday. AIDS and ensure that one is already in the queue at all to come to the cemetery. It's appalling.

time it was a car accident that has cost a 24-year-old project officer's life. Streets are also dangerous.

On the picture you can see how a fan's funeral "upsets". Chants and dances in honor of the deceased, on the Reuckweg vom Stadion unter den Laster kam. Mir hat das gefallen, auch wenn es nicht in das fromme Bild gepasst hat. Die gewohnte Prozedur kam durcheinander. Lieder und Gebete wurden zerrissen.

Mir gefaellt das Bild. Ich wuenschte, Gemeindeveranstaltungen wuerden regelmaessig gestoert. Von Leuten, die sich einen Dreck um Konventionen scheren. Leute, die ihr "Programm" fahren, weil ihnen andere lieb und wichtig sind. Fangesaenge anstimmen.

Ja, das wuerde uns stoeren.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Ap Biology Respiration Questions

again learned a lesson!

Am Sonntag habe ich es wieder getan: 42,2 km.

Diesmal habe ich 15 Minuten mehr gebraucht. Diese Erfahrung war bitter. Nicht, weil ich von der Zeit enttaeuscht war (Who needs 4:40, is far beyond time comparing ;-)), but because the first 30 km were good. Then came no more. And maybe I would have given up at km 37 or so when the way to the car not just as far, as would be the way to the finish was. I could easily run almost exclusively.

bitter part was that I can predict the same would have. If you are missing miles in preparation when you're gone for months, not more than 15 km at a stretch, if you're in Germany 8! Kilo have increased (there are now only 5), then you lack the power - on the last kilometers.

I thought to myself, and could not resist the temptation, and finally to 2 Time for a marathon . Run It was worth it, but it was pretty hard. At least I do today without pain in the legs ...

learned? Patience and time are helpful. Not everything goes, just because you want to change. And who says that everything must go fast. And anyway: More, faster, more and somehow increase are values that fit less and less in my life ...


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Place To Get A Fake Id In Windsor Ontario

Happy Birthday Charly!

Just in time, in the last 30 minutes I möcte here to take this opportunity to congratulate one of the greatest scientists of all time. Happy Birthday!
This all is not as dry, here's a birthday video of a very active skeptic of Skepchick (yes because men can join):

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wecome Message-wedding

Flexible and friendly ...

they are Africans.

we had last week of our Teamretraite and Leif was a lot there. Somehow disturb children less here than in Germany. That's interesting. When Leif was screaming at the hearing it was somehow not unpleasant, but the boss was laughing and meant that Leif just knows what is his right. And he has the right rumzuschreien here.

Oh yes, Noa was in the time often longer in school. How? Just in the morning to say that it comes in the afternoon care. 2 € and pay for that is the child care to 17 clock and receive a complimentary lunch and the homework has been done. Simple as that no red tape, is affordable, flexible and simple and straightforward.

Maybe in Germany should also have some school directors, the vision to make parents a flexible job design simple.

There are many reasons to be here ...
