This picture is still wonderful!
After this year, absent the Christmas newsletter, and also the friendly greeting at the end of saving me, but here I Jahresrueckblick times a personal or reflexive well-meaning wishes for 2010.
a post I must still be out to get me to vent. Probably the only reason why I blog and maybe it's a sign of maturity that the entries are less.
In September, I argued that the world is getting fucked and he earned the justified criticism of a good friend. Yes, our parents and grandparents have already given such a stupid empty catch phrases from him.
I do not know if it's true now or not. However, I believe that her condition had worsened. Spiegel and Focus on talk of a wasted decade of useless change, questionable technology and a loss Menschlichkeit und/oder Gemeinsinn. So habe ich das gelesen.
Ja, ich fuehle das auch und irgendwie bin ich frustriert. Wer bin ich? Wer sind wir? Was ist mir wichtig? Was ist uns wichtig?
Mehr als 1 Millionen Aidswaisen in diesem Land. Armut an allen Ecken. Mehr als 1 Milliarde Menschen hungern weltweit. Wir jammern, wenn unsere Kassenbeitraege um 1% steigen.
China ist der boese Klimafeind und schon in meiner Grundschulzeit haben wir von saurem Regen oder dem Ozonloch geredet. Wir versauen gemeinsam und schuld ist spaeter der Andere.
Ich habe von nichts gewusst! Irgendwie habe ich das schon mal von anderen Generationen gehoert.
Wir alle haben Teil an einem kranken System. Wir alle sind schuld.
I'm too lazy to move around radically. I have excuses. I do not like. I hope that in 2010 everything changed and I hope very much that it's not too painful.
It's going to hurt. Do we want that?
So, let's pop the cork. Drinks you courage. What we do not create will not do another for us.