Thursday, January 29, 2009

Taking Melatonin With Cipralex

Strategic essentialism

used in the sense of a deconstructionist approach. The subaltern identity turns out for Spivak, not as a "true" or even "natural" essence, but as fictional and influential. A subaltern consciousness is therefore a "theoretical fiction" with high strategic value insofar as it allows to carry out the dominant colonial and national-bourgeois historiography of a fundamental criticism.

(see Castro Varela, Maria do Mar / Dhawan, Nikita: Postcolonial theory . A Critical Introduction . Bielefeld: transcript 2005 , p.69-77)

Compact Binoculars Winnipeg


concept again in the Spivak draws on Marx a double meaning and representation turns out: "represent" (as an aesthetic portrait) and "represent" (by a political representative). For Spivak, this is coming to a head in an understanding of representation as a way of speaking of " and representation as "a talk show". The figure of the critical Western intellectuals is represented in Spivak's essay on the post-structuralists Foucault and Deleuze. By privileging local conflicts and micro-political forms of resistance to the post-structuralists, the global connections slip from view. The non-recognition of ideology theoretical assumptions led to a perspective that the marginalized designed as a classical-humanistic subjects, the resistant and are fully aware of their situation. Foucault, for example, believes that the masses are able to speak for themselves and would not need the intellectuals. The intellectuals themselves are Part of existing power configurations that they transform to an object and the same instrument.

(see Castro Varela, Maria do Mar / Dhawan, Nikita. Postcolonial theory A Critical Introduction Bielefeld. 2005 transcript, p.69-77)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Size 18 Before Tummy Tuck

I'm back! First

in two senses. Back in Blog and again in Africa.

man I am glad that our plane had to make an emergency landing nowhere. But I did anyway, never in the States. I hate flying. Maybe I'd rather stay here forever. Perhaps this is because of my non-existent medical certainty. My wife says it is my compulsion to control. No matter.

Everything here is already alarmingly normal. I'm fine. The worst is probably the start of school Noa, because the clock in the morning is get up with 6 connected. Again and again I realize that I'm actually born to be idle life. Now he has me, the early work everyday.

My glaring experience I had in the fridge. Anyone who has spent longer times abroad was the familiar feeling of helplessness before a packed German cabinets. I was now pass out in front of my refrigerator, because that is half broken, the contents were African boring and his monotonous hum me the leaking roof, the broken car (both self-corrected - I will grow up), the jungle in the garden, the dilapidated stove and all these imperfections have driven the tears in his eyes.

And my self-pity for a windchill was 1.5 seconds. Then I realized that I'm an ass. Real problems are not bad stocked refrigerator, but if you do not have. Or not even a house where you stand up your refrigerator. No broken car, but not even money for the taxi to the hospital. Not a jungle in the garden but a Blechhuette neben der anderen.

Wie sehr ist dein Charakter verdorben, wenn du vor lauter Wohlstand nicht mehr weisst, was du heute Abend essen sollst oder zur Arbeit anziehst?

Ich bin wieder da. Mitten in meiner Zerrissenheit zwischen Hausinstandhaltung, einem schoenen behueteten Nest fuer meine Kinder und der Wirklichkeit von Millionen, die das ihrer Familie nicht bieten koennen.

Ein egoistischer Arsch werde ich wohl bleiben, aber wenigstens mache ich mir bewusst, dass ich ein solcher bin und ich nehme es nicht einfach so hin...

Passend dazu ein kleines Gedicht:


Ich war Laufen
Neulich, als ich Laufen war
Musste ich weinen

Ich wusste nicht mehr
Ploetzlich wusste ich nicht mehr
Wie alles weitergehen soll

Ich fragte mich
Aengstlich fragte ich mich
Ob ich mich selbst verliere

Ich laufe weiter
Zweifelnd laufe ich weiter
Denn wer sich selbst verliert
Wird das Leben gewinnen

Satte Gruesse


Thursday, January 15, 2009

What Do You Do With Big Boobs In Bed

atheist gospel

(Video: Camille - Gospel With No Lord)

fascinating how! gospel, the English term for the Gospel, the Christian music genre of hardcore, this overloaded style whose subtle humility is expressed in assertions that great gospel tune everything and everything is possible only by God .... here is a gospel without God, believe in yourself instead: D

here to read along nochmal der volle text:
Allez Camille Simon allez
allez Camille Simon Sonia allez
allez Camille Simon Sonia Florence allez
allez Camille Simon Sonia Florence Hervé allez

I didn’t get it from the lord
But i know i got it
I know i got it
I didn’t get it from the lord
I got it from my brother
I didn’t get it from the lord
But i know i got it
I know i got it
I didn’t get it from the lord
I got it from my brother
I got it from my sister
I got it from my mother and father
I got it from myself

Papa dépêche toi
Ton coca va être froid
Papa dépêche toi
Ton coca va être
ton coca va être
dépêche toi
Ton coca va être froid
Papa dépêche toi
Ton coca va être
ton coca va être

1 2 3 4
I didn’t get it from the lord
But i know i got it
I know i got it
I didn’t get it from the lord
I got it from my brother
I got it from my sister
I got it from my mother and father
I got it from myself
from my father in law
and my brother in law
and my sister in law
and my uncle in law
my cousin in law
my god father in law
my step father in law
my step sister in law
what about my hamster hamster in
law from the roots deep down my family tree grows
my branch and music sets me free

Papa Dépêche toi Ton coca va être froid

Papa Dépêche toi Ton coca va être

ton coca va être froid

late greetings , fled

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Baby Dickies Painter Pants

atheists hate god is an astronaut

atheists deal constantly with no (god of atheist view). Why do they do that?

Once again a brilliant video of E. Current.